Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Please allow me to introduce.....

Our sweet little *Luke* - the newest addition to our family!!!

He is a 7 week old Boxer puppy and let me tell you - all the Ledlow-Girls are in love with him - LOL!!!

Some of you probably remember that we had lost our almost 14 year old Boxer *Rico* in April and I still miss him so much!!! But I guess my family was ready to move on and I'm such a *SUCKER* when it comes to puppies - LOL!!!

This little guy reminds me so much of *Rico* - same colors and he is also *stinkin'* cute!!!

We were able to have *Luke* yesterday evening. He is the biggest (11 pounds) out of the litter and he was completely weaned of his momma. Thank goodness his parents are our neighbors... so if we'd had a problem we could have called...

Little *Luke* is very good in letting us know when he has to go outside. We played so much that he slept very good last night...we'll see how things go tonight???

I have to admit it feels great to have a a friend around again!!!

Let me know what you think of little *Luke*???

Thanks for stopping by and for letting me share the excitement with you!!!



MEL said...


Cat said...

boxers are one of my two favorite dogs [i lost both of my rotties in the last five years, and love that breed as well!]. your luke is a sweetie! TFS

Allison said...

Oh my goodness he is TOO cute! What a sweetheart. Congrats on the new addition.

Stampin_Melissa said...

He's gorgeous! Almost makes me want another. Notice I said "almost". :)

Wendalyn said...

That puppy is just too precious... What a cutie.

Tina said...

cute cute cute, that'll be one big pup!

Anonymous said...

He's too cute!!!! Dogs are the best!

Denise Marzec said...

I think he's a CUTIE PATOOOOOTIE!! OMG, he even looks like a Luke..and check out that tough-guy stance! So fun!

Denise ~ Paper Ponderings said...

awwwww...completely adorable!

Anonymous said...

He's divine. We have a pug so I'm a pushover for a smooshy face.

Kim Gasper said...

Little Luke is so Cute!!!! We, too, are suckers for fur and four legs. So happy for you!

Ravengirl said...

What a good looking boy! Enjoy!

Anonymous said...

He is soooo adorable!!! I can see why everbody loves him. Have fun!

Mauna said...

He is so stinkin cute!!!! Puppies are so much fun and he looks great with your little girl...what fun to grow up together.

Jessie/knightrone said...

Ohhh Silke, I am so happy for you!! He is a doll, and I hope he continues to behave well!!LOL

Anonymous said...

Ohhh Silke, he is just too adorable!! After looking at all those great pics of him I just wanna hug the little guy! Such a cute dog and i'm happy he has been good for you. Best of luck with him! :)


Kathy Jones said...

Awww....he's so cute!!!

jjcreations said...

Congratulations on your new addition....he is very cute...awesome colouring. Joan

Alex said...

Oh, he is just the sweetest, look at that cute little face!! Enjoy your new addition!!! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Julie_3 said...

Oh my gosh...... I can't wait to come over & meet him!

Terri said...

Congratulations! He is a cutie. Enjoy him.

Anonymous said...

Wow, glad you didn't post a card AND a puppy on one post or I would be so rude to say "your pup is soooo much cuter than your card" ha ha!! He is adorable! I love dogs but I LOVE puppies the most. He's such a cutie. Have fun!! I just got done with potty training... I think... knock on wood :)

Anonymous said...

Silke, Luke is just adorable. Love the brindle boxers. I can tell he is going to be one spoiled boy. Just looking at him makes me want another baby boxer. Tee Hee, like I need another one to go with the 4 I already have. Congratulations on your sweet babt boy.

Simone said...

Oh Silke,
Luke sieht ja so süß aus. Und weich ist er bestimmt auch. Total knuffig der Kleine.
Herzlichen Glückwunsch zum neuen Familienmitglied. Und viel viel Spaß mit Luke.
Love Simone

Diane said...

AWWWWWWW! He's the cutest!!!
Congrats on your family addition!
Your card is gorgeous btw!!

Anonymous said...

Just look at that stance, great topline, great front ... do you plan on showing this guy?

Jessie said...

Oh my how cute is he!! Thanks for sharing!! I love puppies!! Jessie

Lisa Kind said...

Oh, Luke is so cute! We lost our 14 year old Springer, Kali, in March, but we were anticipating that. So, last summer we got Lizzie and that was a godsend after Kali's departure. Puppies and dogs bring so much to a family. You can see my dogs here. Good luck with Luke!

Julia Aston said...

Oh my goodness Silke! Luke is just the cutest little thing! I can see why you had to bring him home - what fun he will be for your family! and isn't he lucky to have been chosen by

Alyssa S said...

He is adorable! I love boxers but my husband wouldn't let me get one b/c he says they're too hyper! So what did we get? A rottie! I swear she's like the cartoon character bugs that get that little static electricity thing between their antennae. KWIM? Crazy, hyper and zany she is! :o)

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Congrats on your new puppy! He is just adorable. I wish you many years of fun!

Anonymous said...

He is such a cute little fellow!!!

Lee said...

OH my goodnessssssssss!! Is he the cutest ever??!!! What a sweetie pie!!! And how adorable are those and baby animals.......what could be better???!!! Thanks so much for sharing!!! And I'm sorry about your Rico.......even though we've got new furbabies.....we still miss our precious ones we've lost too!!!

Anonymous said...

Silke! He's sooo cute! My yellow lab's name is Luke! You picked a good name;)

Angela said...

He's just adorable! I'll bet your girls are just crazy about him!

Judy Rozema said...

Oh isn't he sweet???? I didn't realize you had lost a dog earlier in the year. I am sorry!! I can so relate! Your new puppy looks adorable and I bet he is getting a lot of love!

Anonymous said...

I grew up with boxers... he looks like our brindle Skip. Great breed, and he is beautiful!!! Good luck - I love everything about puppies, feet, breath, kisses... everything but their energy!!!!

Diamondangelfish said...

Luke is adorable! Boxer's are my fav. dog as you can tell from my velvet smooshy faced girl on my avitar. Congratulations on your new family member! Great name too.
It would be cool to see new pics of the stages he goes through.
Thanks for sharing


Happy Thursday! Stopping by with a card for the new Inspired By .... Here is this weeks  #IB289 inspiration photo and a sketch .... I was in...