Tuesday, March 11, 2008

I have been tagged!!!

Yep - I have been tagged again - I can't reveal all my secrets...you might think I'm weird - LOL!!!
Krystie Lee - http://www.cupcakemartini.com/ gave me the honor....pls go and visit her - she really cracks me up...plus she makes the most beautiful cards too!!!

Here we go...I have to come up with 7 random/weird fact!!!

1. Some of you probably don't know that...-I was born and raised in Germany!!!
I lived in Nuremberg for a long time and then met my hubby and we lived in Heidelberg for
3 1/2 yrs before we moved to the States 10 yrs ago.

2. I used to be a Flight Attendant for the German Airline Lufthansa and traveled all over the
world...my favorite place was South Africa!!!

3. I had all three of my girls naturally no drugs nothing and my hubby still owes

4. I'll be 40 years young this year!!!

5. I speak better English than I can write...hate the grammar!!! So if I write funny - which I
probably already have - forgive me!!!

6. My dad is partly Italian and I have the "Mediterranean" influence...dark hair, dark eyes...etc
and I always get a kick out of people thinking I'm Mexican or from some where else !!!

7. I know one last one...I never wanted to have children - how did I end up with three???
Don't get me wrong - I love my girls, but my mom was a single mother and struggled....
and I just thought it's not for me...until I found my wonderful hubby!!!

I'm suppose to list 7 different people.....consider yourself tagged when you read this!!! Let me know if you played...love to read your weird stuff too!!


Krystie Lee said...

Thanks for playing!! Great answers! My husband lived in Germany for a couple of years and really enjoyed it.

Sharon (notimetostamp) said...

Fun facts -- nice to get to know you better!!!

Anonymous said...

I just "found" your blog (and your 7 fun facts) and love, love, love your work and inspirations. I will definitely be checking back. Have a great day!
Jo Ann B

Amy Sheffer said...

Fun facts, Silke! I turn 40 this year, too (yikes!). When is your birthday?

Anonymous said...

Too fun Silke! Such a great way to learn a bit more about you! Thanks for sharing...I would have guessed English wasn't your first language...but I mean that as a compliment. I can almost hear the way you speak through your writing and I love it! It sounds sweet and wonderful, even when you have it grammatically correct, I hear it!

Jessie/knightrone said...

I was born in Germany(Wuertzburg sp?) and never got to see it. I have always wanted to go back. It was nice getting to know you a little better!!

Anonymous said...

Ok I noticed that you asked people to put their 7 facts but no one has yet so I will be the first.

1. My mother is from Quebec City and my father is from Barbados
2. I used to work in a factory as a line worker and slipped on mayonaise and twisted my knee.
3. In the factory I worked at; in the summer I would clean out the pickle tanks. One word...NASTY
4.When my son plays baseball I wear a large hat that is made of the character "Mike Swarwosky" the eyeball from Monster INC. cartoon and when my son does not hit the ball due to it being a poor pitch, I scream out "GOOD EYE".
5. I am in my mid 30s and still have to get a driver's liscence
6. I only started scrapbooking/card making in the winter of 2006.
7. I love to eat cottage cheese and applesauce mixed together.

Well I hope this helps you to get more to add.

Anonymous said...

Wow, how cool is that! I've been following your blog for some time and now that I read you're from Germany as well, I wanted to know where from precisely, so I searched on your blog and found this! That's so cool, I live in Heidelberg, too!! Aww, what a shame you're not here anymore. Liebe Grüße aus Heidelberg - Nina


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