Wednesday, April 9, 2008

***Blog Candy***!!!

WOW - another 10,000 hits!!!

Thank you for stopping by and for making my day by leaving a comment!!!

You all are just too *SWEET*!!!

Hope you like the Candy I have picked and this is what you gonna get:

1. Retired Level II Hostess Set "A is for Adorable".
2. A beautiful *Laura Ashley* Journal.
3. A great *Laura Ashley* List Pad.
4. 4 clear Buttons
5. 4 matching colored Buttons
6. 6 of each "Soft Sublets" Brads from SU.
7. 1 matching pink *Laura Ashley* Ribbon that I forgot to add to the picture - LOL!!!

With all these beautiful items you can personalize your own "Journal"!!!

Here is what you have to do to qualify - I want to know what is your favorite Stamp Set in this Spring/Summer Catalog 2008 or current Occasion Brochure from Stampin Up???

If I have this Set - I'll try to make a card and I will mention your name(s)!!!

That leads me to tell you that - if you play *PLEASE* leave a name or e-mail address so I can tell you that you are the WINNER or that the card I have made is dedicated to you!!!

All US and Canada plus APO addresses may play!!! I'll pick a WINNER on Sunday, April 13th, later in the afternoon about 5:00 pm!!!

Hope you'll get to play and again *Thank You* for enjoying my blog!!!


Cassie said...

Always is my current favorite! Lovely candy - I love that Laura Ashley stuff!!!

Michelle said...

Tart & Tangy is my absolute favorite right now! Congratulations on the hits!

Ilse Vargas said...

Congratulations for all the hits! I love Wild Rose, and I don't use it as much as I would like to. And I have the feeling it will be discontinued soon. If you have it, please inspire me :)
Ilse Vargas,
St. Catharines, ON

Allison said...

Congratulations on all the hits! I love your blog and try to check it daily!
My favorite set right now is the "Full of Life" from the occassions mini.

Allison Frandle

Anonymous said...

Priceless is my favourite set from the current catalogue. I love it! You have an awesome blog. Thanks for sharing with us.

Cheryl K.

SueB said...

this is easy-peasy for me! from the current catty, my fav's Always. from the Occasions mini catty, it's Essence of Love. thanx for being a constant source of inspiration and thanx for the chance at the t'riffic blog candy!
congrats on the 10k hits too!
later, alligator!
- SueB

Lyndsay said...

Congrats on hitting a great milestone! And thanks for the opportunity to win. My favorite stamp set right now is One of a Kind.


Denise Marzec said...

My favorite is from the Occasions Mini: Bloomin' Beautiful. :) You always have fun stuff going on in your blog!

Anonymous said...

I love the Always stamp set! It's so versatile. Congrats on your hits!

Pegg S said...

Congrats on your hits!!! My favorite set right now is Kind Thoughts. I've seen so many beautiful cards and love that silhouette flowers look (I also love the cards you've been making with the Hero Arts stamps!)

Cynthia said...

Congrats on another 10,000 hits. My favorite is Tart and Tangy!! I just love it! I also loved your color challenge card with night of navy, real red and glorious green I think it turned out great Thanks Cynthia

Anonymous said...

My favorite set for right now is Bloomin Beautiful. It is so pretty. It is great to watercolor! Congrats on so many hits. Thanks Diana

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your blog hits. My favorite set is Essence of Love.

inkylin at new dot rr dot com

csroyal said...

I think my favorite right now is Lovely as a Tree.

Love your blog! Congrats on so many hits.

ThreadCatcher said...

Great blog candy! My favorite set from the Occasions mini is the Tart & Tangy set. Thanks for the chance to win. jmniffer

Anonymous said...

Fun blog. It's my first time here after seeing your wonderful chocolate bliss card. Love to win the blog candy. My fav set is the Youre and Angel set from the Occassions mini. That may not be the exact title, but i think it's cute.--Angelina

Anonymous said...

I really love Essence of Love and the sentiment from For Father.

Anonymous said...

They are too many I love but the one I have to have now is from the mini collection, Essence of Love. If I have a second choice it would be Pretty Petals. You a have a great blog and I check in every day. Thanks
Larie M

Anonymous said...

Tart and Tangy is my favorite set and the paper that goes along with it... I'm totally hooked... all of my cards have been "fruity" LOL
Melissa D. Wisconsin

Unknown said...

I love the blossoms abound set! but in a quick second is tart and tangy! LOL thanks for the chance!!
Congrats on the hits!!!LOve your blog!

Anonymous said...

Wow... your site is very busy with all the traffic! Congratulations!!! As for my favorite stamp set, I would have to say that it is the "Always" set. I did not buy it when I had my party, I got "Enjoy every moment" instead... which I also love... so next month at card club... I'll be buying "always". It was that darn bird that gave me the jitters... but I love what all the blogs have done with him!!!


Jennifer Engle

inkedx2 said...

My favorite set is Priceless. I use the swirls all the time.


Anonymous said...

Although there are so many fabulous sets to choose from, I must say that for me I get the most bang for my buck with the Ahoy Matey set. I recently did party invites and birthday cards for 2 of my nephews, and they are all still being carried around by those little boys. They think they are particularly special. Can't beat that. Take care, Laura

Anonymous said...

Love your blog and stop by often. Congratulations on your milestone, and thanks for a chance to play. My abolute favorite stamp set is "Always", love that bird!

Ermajean El Sobrante CA

~amy~ said... many to pick from...tart & tangy...because it reminds me of summer :)

Stampin Cats said...

My favorite stamp set is One of a Kind. Congrats on the blog hits. Thanks for sharing.

Carol Parcell said...

Wow! That is a tuff question. I really like so many. Toss up between Spring Song, Morning soft and Priceless.
Congrats on all the hits. Thanks for a chance to win some blog candy.

Anonymous said...

Just recently started following your blog. I love your style and the fresh clean look your cards. Thanks for the chance to win the blog candy. Right now my very favorite stamp set is "Always."


Anonymous said...

Picking a favorite set is so hard, but I guess that I would have to say Embrace Life.
Congrats on such a successful blog

Lorri said...

Great blog, great candy, great cards!

Carol M said...

My favorite set is priceless. I just love that flourish!


Anonymous said...

Congrats on all your hits...well deserved! If I absolutely have to choose a favorite, I'd have to say Priceless...just love it!!

misse336 said...

My favorites are Always and Blooming Beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win!

sandyh50 said...

Congrats on your hits! My favorite that I think I need to buy soon before it retires is Loads of Love. Thanks for the chance to win some neat blog goodies.

sandyh502001at yahoodot com

Joanne said...

Congartulations on your number of hits! Wow! I really love Blooming Beautiful. Thanks for offering the cool blog candy!

JenniferL. said...

My favorite set from the current catalog is "All in The Family". And I don't even own it yet, how sad is that. My fav that I own is currently Big Flowers.

Kathy H said...

My favorite set is priceless. Congrats on all the hits. Thanks for the chance to win this awesome giveaway, Kathy Hering....

Unknown said...

Always, was a must have set this time around!

Veronica Z said...

Congrats on all the blog hits! My fav stamp set right now is "If the Halo Fits". I've been using it alot lately.

Angel said...

Beautiful card! Fave set? Hmmm, it's tough ~ between Bloomin' Beautiful in the mini or Baroque Motifs which I just can't get enough of! Thanks for a chance!

Dorothy said...

My current favorite is Full of Life - I just love words - you can never have too many. And I find I get bored with the same ones because I use them over and over and over. Thanks for the chance to win the awesome blog candy. Love your blog!

Allison Rankin said...

I love my "Essence of Love" set...of course, I could always find more to order out of that catty! Cheers to you!

Kelley said...

My favorite at the moment is Just Celebrate (Occasions Mini). I just love that owl!

Julia Aston said...

My favorite set (which I am trying not to purchase!) is Always and I also love (and did purchase) Essence of Love.

and I love checking out your blog to see what inspiring work you have to share with us!

thanks for the try at the blog candy!

Just Me said...

Fun looking blog candy :) Always is also my fav.

Keri said...

Congrats on the hits! I LOVE your blog, so it's not surprising at all! :) My favorite set changes on a daily basis, but I LOVE Priceless, it just makes me happy. :)

Anonymous said...

My favorite set from the Occasions mini collection is Tart & Tangy. Thanks for offering blog candy!

Anonymous said...

Your beautiful Always card lead me to your wonderful blog. Like you, the Always set is my favorite from the main catalog. My favorite set in the mini is Bloomin' Beautiful. I think it's so versatile.

Now I'm off to check out the rest of your blog.

Regina Davis (

Sara Russell said...

Congratulations on your hits! My favorite stamp set is Lovely as a Tree. Thanks for the chance to win.

Giovana said...

Silke, your cards are always great, I love your great!!!
My favorite Set is Embrace Life.
Thanks so much for the great inspiration.

God bless you

PS: I hope you could sleep better now.


Unknown said...

Congrats on the hits!!! And what fun blog candy (I have blog candy posted right now too so go check it out!!)!!
My all time fav stamp set is Baroque Motifs but I just love all the sets and must have them ALL!!!LOL!!!!

Also, I just nominated you and your blog with an award. Go to my blog and check it out!!

Linda SS said...

Thank you for offering a chance at your awesome blog candy! I think Lovely as a Tree is the best set that SU ever came out with. But Always is definitely on my wish list now - your card is gorgeous!!!

Tara said...

Congrats! I check your blog daily and love your art. I'd have to say I really love Embrace Life. That just seems to speak to me. KWIM? Embrace Life, that's what we all need to do. Love the candy you'll be giving away, hope it'll be me, but so does everyone else!hehehe

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the hits. My favorite right now is Priceless, but there are many coming in at a close 2nd!

Julie S.

The Relative Detective said...

My favorite would have to be Tart & Tangy. Darling set with so many possibilities. Thanks for the opportunity to win.

jackie said...

love your favorite is lovely as a tree!

Cherie said...

I think my favorite is the Bloomin' Beautiful. Thanks for the chance to win and I love your blog.

Anonymous said...

My fave right now would be Always...and that is a great card you made!!

Thank you for the chance!

Anonymous said...


XOXOX your FAB blog and your FAB creations!!

My favorite set from the Occasions mini is the Tart & Tangy set. Perfect for end of the year teacher gifts!

Thanks for the op to win some really YUMMY blog candy!!

Char in So Ca;

Denise G said...

Oh my, what wonderful candy! Your eye candy is fantastic too! I love the "Always" stamp set. I don't own it, but I love the artwork I have seen. Congratulations on your hits. Thank you sharing your time and talent.

Denise G

Julie A. said...

Congrats on your # of blog hits!! Thank you for celebrating with such wonderful blog candy-I really appreciate the opportunity to win. Currently my favorite stamp set in the Spring/Summer Catalog 2008 is Be Happy.

Primitive Seasons said...

My favorite set is Always. I keep going back to it again and again. I think it's versatile and adapts itself to a formal or casual style.

Stephanie Hargis said...

That is a difficult decision for me! I love so many of the sets! Hmm...I think I am going to pick the favorite set of mine that I DON'T have (but I am getting soon)! That set is the Stitched Exotics set! I am so glad that it is one of the Free Wheelin' specials too! :D Thanks so much for this wonderful opportunity! I love checking your blog! You do some seriously amazing work!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say that right this minute, my favourite current set is still Bloomin' Beautiful - every time I go blog hopping, I see yet ANOTHER amazing example with this set!

Sheila D said...

Love your blog. My favorite stamp set right now is "Essence of Love". I don't have it yet but it is definitely on my wish list. I've seen so many great cards using this set. Thanks so much for offering this awesome blog candy.

Jessie/knightrone said...

I have to say that my favorite set for me to work with is Fabulous Flowers. For other people to work with, Always, I just can't get it to look good. Thanks for the chance to win,and congrats on your milestone!!

Emily N. said...

My favorite is "Always". I almost didn't get it because I don't really like birds, but now I am quite addicted to stamping that little guy! Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!

Kelley said...

I really like "Big on Spring". Thanks for letting us play!

Angel Bobbie said...

My favorite set is Pri
Angel Hugs...Bobbieceless.

Diane said...

My favorite set is Tart and Tangy!
Your work is beautiful btw!!!
Thanks for the chance to win this fabulous prize!
Diane at

LeAnne said...

Hey Silke, I must have missed your blog for a couple days, your last two cards were awesome! My favorite set (like Julia, I don't have it but will probably get it with my SAB promo) is Always. There are so many great cards shown with it!! Thanks for all the inspiration you give us! Great blog candy, too!

Anonymous said...

I love checking your blog everyday! I think Always is my favorite. I just love it no matter what color you make that little bird and the heart is just beautiful! Keep up the great work!

Julie_3 said...

Hey Silke, I think my favorite set is Just B. I have had so much fun with this set. I have made so many kids birthday cards out of this set, it is just so much fun!!
I love your blog, just haven't had time to post as often.
Talk to you soon, Julie

Pat said...

Always is my favorite SU current set and the card you made today has just reinforced my love for this set and it's versatility. Thanks for an opportunity to win some great blog candy!

Pat (Just4fun2 on SCS)

Sherry said...

Let me just say I really enjoy your style of card making -- your color combinations and designs are so inspirational to us new stampers. I have many favorites but my current one is Always from the big catalog and She's All That from the Occasions.


Debbie said...

Your Blog is such a success...congratulations!
At the moment my favorite stamp set is...well, I'm sorry...I can't decide between Priceless & Pretty Amazing! Guess I have 2 favorites.

(Candy looks good)

Shelley said...

I would have to say "A Little Birdie Told Me" is my favorite set right now. I love birds ("Always" is a close second because of that.) and I love all the great verses that go with the set.

Thanks for the chance to win!!!

Shelley G in Iowa

Joanne said...

Congratulations! My favourite right now, like so many others, is Bloomin Beautiful. It really is great for colouring with markers and THAT is so much fun!

Tara Kieninger said...

I love Bud Basics....simple but so versatile for a variety of projects.

I love blog candy!

StampingBetty said...

my favorite is Always hands down and i've been loving all the pretty cards you've been making with it recently especially today's with the groovy guava, chocolate, and yellow.
love your designs

Anonymous said...

“ALWAYS” is my FAVORITE set. Love your card ideas and the great inspiring work you put into your cards!! I'll visit again soon! Michelle :)

Lois said...

Your blog is wonderful! So many creative cards! It must be the season, because my current favorite is Blooming with Love.

Anonymous said...

I have not gotten it yet...but ALWAYS has certainly caught my eye and is on my list of wants!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the hits! I come to your blog often for inspiration, which there is no lack of! My favorite set is Pun Fun...just the name makes me giggle!

Anonymous said...

My favorite set is Priceless. Thanks for the chance to win.
Mary Jane D.
iluvspink at yahoo dot com

Rachele Funk said...

I just love Happy Camper. . . that little camper reminds me of my childhood and trips to Yellowstone and of course that reminds me of Yoggie Bear! Just makes me happy!

Anonymous said...

So many to choose from...Priceless, Bronc Buster, Big Birthday candle....I just can't choose (:


Anonymous said...

Great Blog. Found you from The Scalloped Edge. Congrats on the hits and would love to win this Sweet Candy. Thanks for a chance. I will have to check your blog daily as it looks very interesting.
JoAnn B.

Anonymous said...

Sorry, forgot to say my favorite set is Kind Thoughts.
JoAnn B.

Pat S. said...

Hi! Congratulations on 10,000! WOW!!!
Thank you for offering a great give-away to celebrate...yea!!!

I just recently found your blog, and I subscribed immediately...I love your style :)

My favorite stamp set in the Spring book is True Friend. I really like the different shape of those flowers.

Anonymous said...

I love coming to visit your blog and see all the cute things you come up with! Congratulations on the hits! Although its not new, I love Priceless. I can't stop using it!

Joan said...

Love your blog. My favorite set would have to be Fun & Fast Notes. Thanks! Joan

Anonymous said...

I have just come across your blog in the past few weeks. You do a great job! I have to say my favorite stamp set is Lovley As a Tree. I know it has been around a while, but I love the way I can make it suit so many situations. Keep up the wonderful stampin'!

Anonymous said...

I would have to say my favorite set is Always. I just love that bird! Congrats on your many hits!

Renee said...

I love Pick A Petal from the big catalog and Tart and Tangy from the mini! I love your card ideas! So glad I discovered your blog. TFS


Hello again! I'm back with a second card for the day...we have a new Tic Tac Toe Challenge for you! Rosanne is our hostess and she ha...