Sunday, April 20, 2008

OMG - OMG - OMG!!!

This must be the most exciting stamping day in my life - I was chosen to be today's Featured Stamper!!!

My hands are still shaking as I'm writing this.....I think I'm on cloud nine!!!!

I have found my passion in stamping almost three years ago and I've been loving every minute!!!
Or should I say I'm totally obsessed with it??? Most of all I love everyone over on SCS for making me a better stamper - the challenges have really taught me to think outside the box and I have been stalking some of you and learned so much!!!!

Then my *idol* Beate Johns had asked me to be on her "Inspiration Team" and I thought I was in heaven and it couldn't get any better than that....but I guess I was wrong - LOL!!!

I'm still fighting this "Sinus infection" and that's the reason I'm home today otherwise I wouldn't have seen all of this wonderful action until I would have come home from church.....

I'm looking forward seeing every ones card and I'm thanking you from the bottom of my heart if you have played already or if you are thinking of playing today!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday ~God bless~

~Silke~ aka ~sparklegirl~


Judy Rozema said...

I am sooooooooo happy for you!! Congratulations! You deserve this recognition!!!

Karen Kelly said...

Silke, I was so excited to see that you were the FS today--CONGRATULATIONS!!

Ilse Vargas said...

Congratulations Silke! Someone as talented as you has to be recognized.

Anonymous said...

You SO deserve this, Silke! Congratulations, and enjoy looking at all the FS63 cards today!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations! I for one am so happy I get a sort of "free pass" to case you! lol Your work is truly wonderful! Enjoy!!

Anonymous said...

So excited to see your work featured today ... I love it all. Feel better.

Cynthia said...

Congrats!! So excited for you can't wait for you to start inspiring me!! Cynthia

Denise Marzec said...

Wow girl, CONGRATULATIONS!!!...not only on being today's awesome FS but also on being on Beate's Inspiration Team.....WOWZA!!! You definitely deserve the recognition, not only for your talent but for being such a sweetheart. :)

JoLynn said...

Congratulations, Silke. I am loving your gallery. Having a hard time finding just one to CASE. Hope this helps you feel better soon!

Anonymous said...

Your work is AMAZING. I've been stalking your blog for quite a while. CONGRATULATIONS!!! You DESERVE this! I won't be at all surprised to see you in the "dirt pile" some day.

Thank you for the daily dose of inspiration!


jjcreations said...

Congratulations....that's so exciting. I'll definitely be doing the challenge later today. Hope you're feeling better....physically...emotionally I know you must be ROCKIN' !!! Joan

Anonymous said...


~amy~ said...

WOO HOO!!! You SOOOO deserve it! Your style is spectacular and I love your blog!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations - I always love your cards and can't wait to case one of them. Way to go girl!

Corie said...

Congrats -- you soooooo deserve it!!!

Nancy Riley said...

CONGRATULATIONS, Silke! You are so incredibly deserving, my talented friend! You artwork is always an inspiration to me, and I wish I had all the time in the world to case every single card in your gallery because I love every single one of them! Love your stampin' style and kind and friendly personality! You are the BOMB! Enjoy your special day!!!!!!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Whoo Hoo! Congrats! I've been stalking and CASEing you for awhile. I won't have to make a new card..... I've got several CASED already! I'm so happy for you!

Julia Aston said...

Congratulations Silke! I was so excited when I saw it was you! I've picked out at least 10 cards to case - and that's just for now! Your gallergy (and blog) are super terrific. You are such an inspiration for us!

Enjoy your fun day - and hope you are feeling better!

many hugs,

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Silke!!! I've been waiting for you to be the featured stamper. You totally deserve it!!! You have more cards in My Favorites than anyone else. I've told you before, but I just LOVE your style.

janet said...

You are well deserving of the honor! Your gallery rocks!

Anonymous said...

Congratulations. All that hard work paid off. You will be great because you are already great. Thanks for your cards and inspirations everyday.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Silke!! You are so deserving of being recognized! I just love to see what wonderful cards you create and check your gallery often!! You have so many beautiful cards in there that it was hard to pick just one, lol!! Enjoy your day and i hope you feel better!

Stephanie Hargis said...

Silke! I was so excited when I saw you were the featured stamper last night! I couldn't wait to get home this afternoon after church and pick a card! I was hoping to have one done by now but lunch and other things got in the way. Boo! Anyway, I was actually surprised that you hadn't been picked until this week! You so totally deserve it girl! I have admired your work for a long time! Thanks so much for being such an inspiration! You rock girly!

wisteriagirl said...

Congratulations, Silke!! What have I been telling you? I believe there will be even bigger things in store for you. We will be saying...we knew you when...LOL! Hugs, Cindy

Lisa Kind said...

Congrats on being the Featured Stamper this week! Your gallery is devine and I'm loving your blog!

Anonymous said...

Well we are not surprised! Your talent is huge and we are so grateful that you share it with us! Congratulations!!

Sara said...


Charmaine (CharmWarm) said...

Woo hoo! Congratulations Silke! Your work is amazing and so deserving of being a Featured Stamper! I'm so happy for you!

Lynn Put said...

Congrats on being the featured stamper today on SCS, thats terrific! I see why they choose you, your work is fantastic!

DoxieGirl said...

You are my featured/favorite skendratamper EVERYDAY!!!! Congrats!

Lynda said...

Wow, what a great day for you!!! Your work is beautiful and you so deserve BOTH honors!!! Congratulations!!!


Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Congrats Silke! You are amazingly talented, and I'm so happy to be able to case one of your masterpieces. Enjoy your week!

Giovana said...

You deserve it Silke. I am so happy for you.
I love your work, you are great!!!
I hope you are feeling better, I am feeling better, I haven't made any card in 4 days!!!!

Better start working.
God bless you.


Kay Kalthoff said...

Hi Silke -
Congratulations - I was out of town and a day late but I wasn't going to miss my chance to use your gallery as an inspiration point! I'm sooooo excited for you! I can't imagine how excited you must be - big hugs!!!!

Jessie/knightrone said...

I couldn't be happier for!! You so totally deserve it, I just wish it hadn't happened the same week as your tragedy, you should have been allowed to completely enjoy it. I am so happy for you getting chosen, but so sad for your loss.

Anonymous said...

Congratulations Silke! I was so happy to see that you were the featured stamper on Sunday. Sorry I couldn't play along but I know that you inspire alot of stampers with your creativity and style!


It's Inspired By time again.... Here is this weeks #IB326 inspiration and sketch for you to play with.... I was inspired by the colors...