Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Thank You So Much!!!

I just wanted to"THANK" everyone for your kind words and the prayers you have sent my way.
You all have touch my heart so much and it really meant the world to me!!!

Today is a brighter day - I'll try to take each day at a time and I know it will get easier.....My heart is filled with all the wonderful memories of Rico and I hope that will help me to move on!!!

I'm sending every one of you a big, big cyberhug - can you feel it - LOL???

Have a wonderful day!!!



Anonymous said...

Big HUGS back to you. I still miss my Kato. Have you heard of this poem: https://www.rainbowsbridge.com/Poem.htm

Take care!

Denise Marzec said...

We can feel the hug, and we're sending them right back to you.


Anonymous said...

So sorry about your dear Rico. My kitty is 14 (I've had her for 12), and I dread the day that she isn't with me any more. (Hugs)

Judy Rozema said...

Hugs back to you! I remember having to put my first lab, Lokai, to sleep after 14 years -- we cried for a whole day -- and still miss her (and that was over 10 years ago!)~ but we have such fun memories and lots of pictures!

I gave you an award on my blog today!

Debbie said...

Silke I think it's a great idea to get an Urn and have Rico at the house with you. We lost our beautiful Golden Retriever after only 10 years...he had cancer.
I often wish he was here at the house with us.
Hope you're feeling better. I've enjoyed your beautiful cards this week.

Jessie/knightrone said...

I can feel it, can you feel us hugging you back!!


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