Tuesday, June 17, 2008

YEAHHH - I'm Back!!!

Hello everyone - I'm home again!!! Time does fly by fast and I had a super great time seeing my friend Anneke again!!!

We haven't seen each other for almost 10 years - I know - isn't that crazy?!? We used to live next to each other in Germany and both of our husbands worked for the Military Hospital in Heidelberg.

Anneke was born and raised in the Netherlands and the best part this weekend was - she became an *American Citizen* and I was there when she was sworn in - how super cool is that???

Of course she had a *Party* on Saturday and it was so nice to see her family again and meeting all the neighbors and friends....plus the kids have grown so much in the meantime!!!

It is so funny I was only gone for four days and my girls and husband acted like I was gone for a whole year - LOL!!! I have spent my entire day yesterday and today with my girls and of course I didn't get a chance to stamp either days.......but I'm slowly catching up with things and maybe by tomorrow I'll get a little *ME* time - LOL!!!

It was so sweet of you all to wish me a good time and that you have included me in your prayers!!! It's nice to be home again and I'm so ready to get started again......see ya soon!!!




Diane Gilbert said...

Glad your back! Sounds like you had a great time!

wisteriagirl said...

I'm glad you had a good time, but I'm sooo glad you are back!!! Love ya! Cindy

Giovana said...

Glad you are back Silke, I bet your girls missed you a lot. Rebecca misses me when I am out for a couple of hours, imagine 4 days, LOL.

Have a blessed day.

Judy Rozema said...

How fun!! I am so glad you were able to go and that you both had a good time! Glad you are back!

Anonymous said...

Glad you had time for a little getaway. Happy to see that you are back. You've been missed here too! LOL!!

Diane said...

Nice to have you back! Glad you enjoy your days with your girlfriend!!

Kim said...

WELCOME BACK!! Looking forward to your creations again! Visit my blog to play the "tag" game if you would like!

Dawn Easton said...

Welcome back! Sounds like a fabulous time!!

Jackie Pedro said...

I'm so glad you had a safe and wonderful trip! Glad to see you're back...


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