Wednesday, July 9, 2008

Taking a little trip

Hello everyone!!!

The family and I are taking a little roadtrip up to Virgina to see my MIL....
My super DH will take a slight Detour and he'll swing me by *Archiver's* in Raleigh, NC - I love him!!! This is my favorite Store in the whole wide world...I can't wait - LOL!!!

We'll be back by Sunday night and I hope I don't lose my MOJO along the way - LOL!!!

Next week will be busy *Little Paper Shop* will start their *Sneak Peak* for the month of July - make sure to stop by again!!!

Have a wonderful week & weekend and I'll see ya soon!!!


Anonymous said...

Have a fun time! Ooooh, Archivers, me likey too :) Can't wait to see what you do with your loot! I'm sure your mojo will be as great as always.

Judy Rozema said...

Sounds like fun!! I have never been to Archiver's (closest is 3 hrs away)~ I am sure you will have lots to share when you get back!

Angela said...

Wish we had Archivers in Canada :( Hobby Lobby too!!!

Have a wonderful trip! Don't worry about the mojo-it will be there :)

Simone said...

Hej Silke, viel viel Spaß bei eurem Kurzurlaub. Wird bestimmt toll. Fahrt vorsichtig und kommt gut wieder heim.
Love Simone

Giovana said...

Have a nice and safe trip Silke. I went to Virginia 2 years ago when I visited my sister who lives in NC. :)

God bless

Dawn Easton said...

Oh shoot, I guess I missed you! Hope you have a safe and happy trip! I've never been to that store but hear it's fabulous!!! See you when you return!

Elizabeth Glass said...

Welcome to Virginia!! Have a safe trip!!!
Elizabeth ,Yorktown,Virginia

Anonymous said...

Hope you have a wonderful trip. Archivers are so much fun, we have one 2 hrs away so I don't get there often. Hope you find lots of good things.


Hello again! I'm back with a card for the Tic Tac Toe Challenge .... Here is Karren's fun #TTTC267 board for you to play with... My...