Sunday, October 26, 2008

Hi everybody!!!!

As promised..... I finally had some time to download my RAK's and birthday pictures.....

My oldest daughter Sarah decorated my birthday table - isn't it pretty???
Everything was color Sarah is such a little perfectionist.

The girls woke me up with the *Happy Birthday* song and surprised me with a cake and gifts!!! The cake was gone before I could even take pictures....LOL!!!

My DH took me out Saturday evening before my birthday. We celebrated with some friends at a yummy restaurant - it was so nice to get away from the girls - I was in desperate need of some adult time - LOL!!!

My oldest daughter Sarah punched all kinds of flowers and butterfly as confetti from my Punch collection - isn't' this a neat idea for the table decoration???

These are my birthday flowers!!!

I had these on the Altar at the church the day before and brought them home. Aren't they gorgeous???


Next are some gorgeous cards I received from my friends . The first card and journal are from my DD Sarah.

Sarah Ledlow Sarah Ledlow Denise Marzec

Mary Fish
Stephanie Hargis
Vera Schoeters
Simone Geldner
Mercy Kerin
Cindy Pool
Thank you ladies - for making my birthday so special!!!! I love each and every card that I received!!!
I admit I'm a pretty spoiled lady when it comes to my birthday....he,he,he. My DH and my DD's always make it so special!!! I received some awesome gift's this year - Silver Jewelry, a Canon Rebel EOS (was on the top of my wish list), gift cards, some gorgeous PTI Cardstock and Ribbon, a new wallet from my oldest DD - she even paid with her own money (means a lot to me) - LOL!
The ultimated birthday gift came this Friday night when my family took me to the movies to see the *High School Musical 3*!!! I think my girls were more excited about it than me - *wink*!!!
I told ya it's a week long celebration at our house...LOL!!!
Thanks to all my friends who stopped by and remembered me on this day!!! You guys rock!!!


Stamp and Smile said...

Happy Birthday! I hope you enjoyed your special day... :) The cards you received are adorable. Thanks for sharing... Michelle :)

Denise Marzec said...

Wow, I love the table the girls made for you!! Very pretty!

Susan said...

you are very loved, apparent from this post! And the sweetest treasures are the sacrifical giftls our children give.

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

What an awesome birthday! Love the card Sarah made...she is definitely picking up on your design tactics....a "mini me" designer for sure!

Jackie Pedro said...

Wow! You are spoiled!! LOL! Your DD is quite talented! And I just love her name...wink!!

Dolce Deb's Designs said...

Man your family sounds like mine we make sure everyone gets to celebrate their birthday for a whole week!!! It sounds like you are very blessed. Hope this year brings you even more wonderful things. Thanks for sharing your special time with us.

Debbie/Phx AZ

Jessie/knightrone said...

Looks like you had a fabulous birthday!!


Happy Day! It's Inspired By time and here is my card... This is our #IB325 inspiration photo and sketch for this week My inspiration c...