Wednesday, October 1, 2008

SC196 Hope

Happy Wednesday!!!

My first *official* Guest Designer Spot on *Our Daily Bread Designs* is starting today!!! I'm so thrilled to show off Kelley Holland's gorgeous Scripture Stamps!!!

I combined today's SC196 (I flipped the layout) with the Set called *Hope* from ODBD.
I know I will enjoy this wonderful Set for the years to come......In March 2007 I detected two lumps in my breast and thank goodness I was do for a regular check up. First I thought I was imagining feeling the lumps, but the doctor confirmed that there was *something*.....

Needless to say I never thought this could/would happen to me - I have nursed all three girls, I'm healthy, try to live healthy, walk...etc.

I was trying to keep my cool at the doctor office - I don't think looking back I remember one word the doctor had said.....I called my husband immediately and as I was talking on the phone I saw my life flashing in front of me.....I know I overreacted, but I was in shock!!! I came home started doing some research on the Breast Cancer Website and I think that really helped me to understand a lot of questions I had!!!

The doctor told me to take Vitamin E and drink a lot of water....shortly I had a mammogram and x-ray done. Next I saw a General Surgeon and he was convinced that I'm going through *Hormonal* changes and praise the Lord - he was right!!! My lumps disappeared and even though I was not affected by the Cancer I will support this cause with all my heart!!!

The weird thing about it was that my Mother in Law was going through the same difficult time- unfortunately she was not so lucky - she does have the Cancer cells in both breasts and is taking medication to compress the cells so they don't turn into full blown Cancer!!!

So - I'm reminding you to check yourself and tell a friend, sister, mother etc to check themselves too!!! Early prevention is everything!!! Don't forget to wear *pink* this month!!! ~TFL~


Anonymous said...

Beautiful card, Silke! I just had a stampin friend that was diagnosed last week with breast cancer. Not sure yet what her plan of action is but none the scares the crap out of ya! I sent her a card and left her know she was in my thoughts & prayers. Anywho, thanks for sharing your story with us and I just loved your card today!! Very pretty!! :)

Denise Marzec said...

Very pretty card, and thank you for sharing your story with us. I'm sure it was very frightening and I'm glad all turned out to be okay with you. Unfortunately, breast cancer is a horrible monster of a disease and too many people aren't so lucky. Thank you for the reminder to keep on top of things. {hugs}

Tosha Leyendekker said...

What an awful scare. I can only imagine what you were going through. I'm sorry for your MIL too!! Cancer is a word that elicits such terror in our hearts!! Beautiful card though!! For a wonderful cause!!

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Beautiful Silke! I'm so happy to learn that you were not affected by this vicious disease and pray that you never are. So sorry for your scare, although I'm sure there is value in it looking back.

Angel said...

I had the same type of scare. Thankfully it appears to be nothing, but there are a lot of women who aren't as lucky. Love your Hope card! Glad you're on our team this month!

Monica Dotson said...

Wonderful, WONDERFUL! and the card is great too!

Julie said...

Silke, I'm so glad that everything is okay. Good thing you got it all checked out. Beautiful card, and congrats on the guest designer spot!

Anonymous said...

Silke, so glad your outcome was a good one. God was certainly shining his grace upon you! My goodness, this card is perfect...perfect colors, perfect embellies, perfect placements and balance, and perfect cause because it has so affected you in a positive way! It's so wonderful you are working with us, I look forward to more of your excellent designs.

Julie_3 said...

Hey girl. Long time no see. I remember last year when you were going through all of that and we prayed, thank God for answered prayer! I would have reacted the same way you did, I told you that when you shared it with me in your kitchen.
I love your card and your attitude about breast cancer. Thanks for being a great friend!
Julie M.

Beate said...

Congratulations on the guest designer spot! That is sooo exciting. Your card looks fantastic, like all your work.
Big cyber hugs and happy dance.

Sara Mac said...

Silke this is a stunning card! Everything about it is perfect. Thanks for sharing your personal story. I've been there too. Blessings for your MIL and many others who are facing this horrible disease.

Cathy Rulli said...

A beautiful card, as usual! Thanks for sharing your story...I know exactly how you feel/felt! Congrats on your guest designership!!

Anonymous said...

Great card Silke. This is a cause that is very close to my heart having had a very dear friend diagnosed with breast cancer 8 years ago. She had 3 children the same age as my own children and I was so deeply moved for her & her family. Thankfully my dear friend Julia came through and is fantastic today - only by the Grace of God. My life was changed that day and each year I remember that none of us are bulletproof and thank God for the life He has given us. This year is very close to the heart of us here in Australia with the passing of beautiful Jane McGrath after her battle with cancer... Pink - Perfect, says it all! Lovely Linda

Jessica Diedrich said...

Beautiful Silke!

Diane said...

Beautiful card,love the sketch!
TFS your scarry but wonderful story in the end! You are so right,we all have to do regular checks on ourselves,this "c" word gets some young people,so please everyone do what needs to be done!

Jackie Pedro said...

We need to live life everyday to the fullest...thank you for the reminder that life is precious! Beautiful card, Silke!

Bev J. said...

Beautiful card! Glad your episode turned out ok. I went with my oldest daughter (47) for diagnostic xrays and ultrasound as she had felt lumps. They feel hers is fibrocystic disease and will keep watch. Mine was found with a mammo in '98 after watching calcifications for a time. Mine was still in the milk duct so they took out the cancer and surrounding tissue (lumpectomy)and I have been clear since with no medication. I really encourage my two daughters and sister to get their mammos. My sis and I go this month for our regular screening. I feel I was one of the fortunate ones that it was caught so soon.

Everyone-- get your appointment set up!!

Bev J.

Anonymous said...

Hi Silke: Thank you for calling attention to Breast Cancer Month through your art and post. I went through the same scare you did (twice). You and I are so lucky. My sister is a breast cancer survivor (almost 20 years). However, my sister in law just learned that she has Stage IV Breast Cancer and will now be fighting for her life. I plan to be doing a post soon on breast cancer awareness, too. We are in good positions to reach out, teach and maybe make a little difference. Hugs Mary

Jessie/knightrone said...

Gorgeous, I love it!! I am so happy everything turned out okay for you, and I will pray for your MIL.

Anonymous said...

Silke, a beautiful card and I am so glad you are healthy! Great awareness card to remind all women to get screened!


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