Monday, February 2, 2009

Hello everyone!!!

Did you all watch the Superbowl last night???

Oh - I must say my heart was really with the Cardinals.....just because they were the underdogs!!! Not that I know much about Football...well - a little bit - LOL!!! Did I ever mention that my hubby played at VMI??? He is a big fan of this sport!!!

So we went to our friends house for a party and we all chipped in $5 a person for the jackpot....All tickets were lottery drawn and mine was *Steelers 4-7 points*!!! What that meant was the Steelers would have to win the game by 4 to 7 point lead in order for me to have won the jackpot.....

If you followed the game you know it was an awesome game all the way to the end....I really thought the Cardinals have won with their last touchdown, but my hubby told me that there is toooooooo much time left on the clock and everything is still possible, well as you all know - the Steelers did a fabulous job turning the game around and are the triumphant Team!!!

The Steelers won 27:23 - 4 points difference - that means I won the jackpot all $75 - wahoooo!!! Well I thought I'd reinvest and spent it all on my Sale-A-Bration order - LOL!!!

I also wanted to tell you that our *Friends of Flourishes* posts have changed from Fridays to Tuesdays!!! So stay tuned for a fun Challenge tomorrow and thru out the next few weeks!!!

See you tomorrow!!! Hugs ~S~


Anne said...

Congratulations on your win. A bit sad here in Phoenix, though. It was quite a game nonetheless.

Amy Sheffer said...

Congrats on your winnings, girl!! Can't wait to see some Flourishes tomorrow!

Julie said...

You LUCKY girl!! Better go buy a lotto ticket! LOL! :)

Lisa Brown said...

Congratulations on your win, Silke! I wasn't as lucky, but it's still fun to "play"!

Connie M. said...

Well, I was sad about the outcome of the game, but glad that you won your pool!! How cool is that! :)

Amber Hight said...

WHOA! You scored girlfriend! LOL! Great idea to reinvest, smart business decision;)

Marisa said...

I was cheering for AZ as the Steelers have won too many times. However, that was one amazing game and I have to tip my hat to the Steelers.

Congrats on the win - enjoy spending your prize money :)

Savitri said...

Yeah, you go girl!!! I'm no football fan. I told my old roommate from college (years ago) that the last time I watch a game was when we were roommates - this was my sophomore year.

Can't wait to see what you order :)


It's Inspired By time again.... Here is this weeks #IB326 inspiration and sketch for you to play with.... I was inspired by the colors...