Thursday, February 5, 2009

I've been tagged a few times......

Hi everyone!!!

Sorry - I'm such a bad blogger....some of you have been so sweet and awarded me with some different Awards over the past few weeks....I went back and found these....if I missed some - my deepest apology I can't keep up - LOL!!! If I forgot you....pls let me know and I'll add you to this list just e-mail me at

Here is a fun challenge by debhorst - *Sendable Sentiments* - Go to where you store your photos on your computer. Go to the SIXTH folder and pick the SIXTH photo. Post that photo on your blog along with a SHORT story about it.

Well - this is our Boxer *Luke* when he was almost 3 months old. He was sooo darn cute and you should see him now - he is huge - LOL!!! Matter of fact it's time for some more photo's soon.
He still is very playful and loves our girls so much!!!

I received this Maria Antoinette Award from Jodene - *Did I say that out loud?*

Another tagging Award came from Lori - *The Paper Yard*.

The last one and most current Award is from Carrie - *Stamp with Carrie*.

Thank you ladies for thinking of me!!! If you want to play along feel free to do all rock.!!!

Hugs ~Silke~


Denise Marzec said...

Awwwww, look at *little* Luke. He's such a cutie. They do grow so fast.

Anonymous said...

Oh, Silke, I'm so bad, I too need to post some awards I've received. I was so busy getting ready for CHA, I didn't get a chance to blog them. Luke is adorable! Our English bulldog passed yesterday, he was 12. He lived a long life, I know it was best that he went, but my heart is burdened with grief over his passing. Enjoy Luke and the many years of memories he's going to give you.

Wendy Bonner said...

OH, how cute!! Would love to see him now. I've got two boxers my self, Sampson and Delilah. They are the best.

Christi Flores said...

Oh what a cute little puppy!! Congrats on all the awards! :)

There She Goes Clear Stamps said...

What a cutie!!

Connie M. said...

I am really bad with these types of awards too, Silke! Your dog is just tooooo cute too!!


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