Thursday, March 12, 2009

Hello everyone!!!

The weather down here in Georgia has been really awesome!!! Sorry - I don't mean to rub it in - he,he,he!!!

The last few days the temperatures were in the low to mid 80's and when it's nice here the whole family loves to be outside - that means I don't get much stampin' done!!!

We also had to do a lot of yard work and spring cleaning!!! But I have some photos I'd like to share with you. You all haven't seen our *puppy* Luke in a while and let me tell ya - he is not that little anymore - LOL!!!

He is a little over 9 months now and still very rambunctious!!! Boxers don't really settle down until they are about 3 yrs least that's what we have experienced!!!

Here is photo from our little Miriam. We had Pre-K sign up they other day at our local school and this past Tuesday was the drawing to see *who* made it into the 20 spots they have available...well Miriam's number was #21 - that means she is the first one on the waiting list!!!

So hopefully everything will work out and she can attend the public school and ride the bus with my middle daughter?!?

Isn't she stinkin' cute??? I'll be doing the *HAPPY DANCE* the day she starts Pre-K - LOL!!!

Have a great week!!! Hugs~Silke~


Deb said...

She is Absolutely Adorable Silke! Precious! Hope she makes it off the wait list and into class!

Elaine A said...

Don't rush to have them leave the nest so soon Silke. They'll be grown up in the blink of an eye with families of their own before you know it. Enjoy each and every single moment with your babies. Miriam is so adorable and Luke, what a handsome fella!

Elaine Allen

Anonymous said...

Miriam is SO ADORABLE!!!! What a precious little smile! And Luke looks like he sees something very interesting...what a great lookin' pup!! I'm envious of your 80˚ weather, but so happy you were outside enjoying it!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for Miriam to get into Pre-K...I bet she'd have a lot of fun!!

Christi Flores said...

She is adorable!!! My oldest turns 4 in two weeks and we're going to be putting him in pre-k in the fall. I can't believe it! Time goes by so fast doesn't it?

~Lori Roop said...

Luke looks great!! We have a 2 year old boxer....He is fixed but can still get excited at times. Although, he's pretty lazy for the most part.

Your little one is adorable!! School is something they look forward to....until they start going everyday!! LOL!! I hope She gets in!! I'll keep my fingers crossed for you!! :)

Denise Marzec said... at how FREAKIN' HUGE Luke is!! Wowzers...such a regal lookin' fella standing all tall and proud.

...and check out that look on Sassy Miss Miriam's face. Heee! She's a doll!

Teresa Kline said...

Silke, your daughter is so adorable, and Luke...well wow, he is big....Jesse would luv to play I am sure. thanks for sharing! hugs *~*

Basement Stamper said...

Did you just move here to GA? Where are you at? I'm in No. GA and yes, the weather has been really nice but think it's going to get a bit cooler.

Sabrina Jackson said...

Wowzer, that pup is not so little anymore, that is for sure, LOL!!! He is still cute though!!!. And let me tell you, your baby is absolutely adorable. I feel you about doing the happy dance, girl. I wish we did not have a waiting list, but my baby will be staying home with her Mama until they have to take her, which is next year for Kindergarten.
Is that you backyard? Holy Moly, that's a lot of grass to cut for Jerry ;P.

Hugs, Sabrina

Unknown said...

She is mini Silke!! So adorable and cute!!
I hope the weather here will be better for the weekend. It' been raining and cold for last few days :(

Melissa Sauls said...

She is soooo cute! What a beautiful little girl. I know the feeling about being anxious for pre-k! My son is in pre-K and it has definitely been a blessing, LOL!

Jessie/knightrone said...

OMGOsh, he has gotten so big!! I hope your little cutie gets into Pre K like you want!!

Mary Fish said...

Your daughter is absolutely adorable and I enjoy the "glamour shot" of your boxer! Hugs, M

Unknown said...

Miriam is so, so cute!!! You have every reason to be a proud mama! :-)

Dawn Easton said...

Oh my...isn't Miriam a doll?!! Love that look!

Luke is miss having a big dog!

Glad you are having nice weather...go ahead...rub it are above freezing today...should be nearly 40!~ That's a heat wave!!

Bev J. said...

Always like looking at peoples homes, animals, children, and especially a cutie like your daughter.

neverenoughrubberstamps said...

Your Daughter Miriam is soooooo adorable!

Ok, about Luke and the whole Boxer thing.... Are Boxers not the best pets in the world???
I've had a few different breeds. However, once you own a Boxer, it is hard to see yourself with another breed. They are a little work when they are young but they are well worth it. With proper training they are the best!

If you look in my Feb archives, you can see my Boxers "Tyson and Cooper" They are not with me anymore, but they are always alive in my heart. I miss them soooo much.

I posted a fun must read on my blog today. It is all about dogs.

Smiles & Cheers,

Dorothy x

P.S. Seeing Luke made my day!
Thank you for sharing!

Jackie Pedro said...

Luke is HUGE and beautiful, I might add!! He's about ten times the size of my little Stella!! LOL!

Miriam is so cute!!! Hope she gets into the pre-K!!!

Anonymous said...

Fabulous photos Silke! We've had gorgeous weather here in sunny Florida as well!

Your boxer is an awfully handsome prince! Just gorgeous!

Mirian is fabulously adorable! That pink bow is sooooo sweet! Now Silke, if she makes it into Pre-K, you won't be doing the "happy dance" the first few weeks, more than likely you're going to be hiding kleenex tissues in your pockets, I know I did! LOL!!! Okay, then after a couple of weeks I did the happy dance.

Joanne (jojot) said...

precious and adorable daughter and handsome 'son'......tfs

Julie said...

Whoa, Silke - Luke sure is getting to be a BIG boy!! What a gorgeous puppy!

And that little Miriam is absolutely adorable!! OMG - look at those EYES!

Tanja said...

She is such a doll! I'm missing my girls being sweet little ones just seeing how cute yours is! Thanks for sharing a smile!


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