Friday, April 19, 2013

C4C182, Catered Crop THANKS....

Happy weekend!

I'm participating at a 5K Run today...our Department is hosting the Snack For Soldiers Race. It's an awesome cause and I hope the weather is holding up!?! If you live in the area come and join in the fun!!!

As promised I have a new card for you today.....

We have this cool C4C182 Sketch for you to try....

My colors were inspired by this weeks The Play Date Cafe #178 .....sorry I had to smuggle in some green for the leaves :) .....and if you like *GLITTER* as much as I do...than you definitely have to play along in the Catered Crop Recipe Challlenge!!!

Hope you give each challenge a try...please make sure to check out each blog for more fabulous inspiration!!!

Thank you so much for stopping by today....I wish you a fabulous weekend!

                                                                 Hugs, ~Silke~



Wanda Cullen said...

So gorgeous! I love this tulip image and your colors are wonderful!

Rosy Newlun said...

I love it Silke -- Enjoy your run!!!

StampOwl said...

So pretty Silke

Sheri said...

Amazing! Sadly I need to quit visiting your blog. Every time I do I want to spend money! Just kidding about not visiting but not kidding about the money part. If I could spend the money and have them look like yours it would be wonderful but it doesn't work that way.

Pattie J. said...

Howdy, what gorgeous flowers, love tulips and so well colored and presented. I just love this image and what you have created. come here everyday and just AH! gorgeous...thanks for sharing.

Robyn Oliver said...

Silke - your cards are simply gorgeous, you are a real inspiration, thank you

May Park said...

Wow, what a beautiful card! Especially I love your flowers colored very well. So elegant Silke!

Mona Pendleton said...

So pretty Silke! Love the beautiful vase of Tulips!

Larissa Heskett said...

OMG!! I am NEW to your Blog!! I saw your project on the recipe crop blog and I had to come to your blog!! Your cards are AMAZING!! Your coloring and the designs just make me SMILE!! THANKS for sharing and have a Fabulous Week!! P.s I also LOVE your name is is pronounced like the word Silk?? Such a BEAUTIFUL Name!! ;)

Heather Rogers said...

Perfect Silke! Your Tulips are so pretty and I love the silver bling. :)

Cheryl said...

This is so pretty! I really love the colors and how you used the sketch.

Julie Ranae said...

Silke...this is an absolutely beautiful addition to our gallery over at The Play Date nice to see you again!

Lynn said...

This is really beautiful! I love the coloring on the flowers. Thanks for playing along with us this week at The Play Date Cafe.

Jennifer said...

That is the prettiest bow I have ever seen -- mine NEVER look like that!! Gorgeous card, absolute perfection! :)

Joanne (jojot) said...

you totally made this sketch work in your fabulously classy style....fab work, my friend


Happy Thursday! The new Inspired By is up...unfortunately this was a very busy week for me and I did not get a chance to craft.  Enjoy bein...