Sunday, April 27, 2008


I have wonderful news...I'm a new GREAT SWAPS GIRL - that's right I'm the new girl on the blog!!! This is a Stampin Up Demonstrator group that started this blog in August 2007 and these ladies share top notch swaps!!!

It is a "Invitation only" based group and I can't believe they have asked me to little sparklegirl - LOL!!!

I'm so excited, because I have always wondered what it's like to everything is new to me!!!

I have first read about this awesome group last week when my blogger friend Jessica Rone
aka "Can you say addicted to stamps???" was asked to join and I have thought to myself how super cool is this....and now I'm also a GREAT SWAPPER GIRL!!!

As soon as I have tested the waters...I saw that my wonderful and sooooo talented friend
Nancy Riley aka "Stampinat6213" was also asked - YEAHHHH!!! So we both are the new girls on the blog!!!

Once I figure out what's new and exciting I'll fill ya in!!!!


Anonymous said...

Congrats! Sounds like fun!! I've only been in one swap and love it. Can't wait to hear what you girls do.

Wow.. the word verification is super hard... I might have to do a second try :D

Krystie Lee said...

Welcome to Great Swaps!! We're super excited to have you, we're all BIG fans!!!

Nancy Riley said...

WOOHOO, Silke! I'm so excited to be swapping with you! How cool that we became members at the same time!

Denise Marzec said...

Congratulations!! What fun!

Sara said...

Congratulations! We're so glad you joined!

Carolina said...

How glad you joined us - hope to swap with you soon!


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