Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Blog Award

Hey you all!!!

I took a few days off.....I really needed to clean up my stamp room and prepare for the upcoming There She Goes Sneak Peek this Saturday!!! Plus the girls have their last few days at school and we are hopping from one party to the next!!!

Since I don't have a card for you all I wanted to share this wonderful Blog Award I received from Diane Stader - also known as *lost in the 60's* over on SCS.

"The Exalting Christ Blog Award" is given to bloggers who consistently exalt the name of Christ on their blogs. What a joy to see crafters blend their passion for Christ and paper crafting. This award is given to bloggers who share Christ through their posts or through the design of their artwork. We are commanded in Scripture to be ’salt and light’ sharing the Good News of Jesus no matter where we are (Matthew 5:13-16). This award is just a way members of Women to Women: Sharing Jesus can say thanks for exalting Christ with us!" We are asked to "pass it on" to others who share our passion for Christ.

I'm awarding this badge to

1. Sabrina Jackson
2. Connie McCotter
3. Amy Sheffer
4. Tosha Leyendekker
5. Cindy Motherway

Here are the Rules:

Post the blog award in a regular post on your blog with the explanation, including the original link to WTW and the rules for passing the award along
1. Name five people to whom you want to offer this award and link to their blogs. The blogs need to obviously exalt Christ in some manner.
2. Contact the bloggers you have named to let them know they can pick up their blog award from you.
3. Invite them to permanently display the WTW blog badge and/or the award on their blogs. The badge can be obtained on the WTW site."

Thank you Diane for thinking of me!!!! Ladies I hope you'll play along???


Tosha Leyendekker said...

I'm honored and humbled Silke! Thank you so very much!!

Mothermark said...

Thank you so much Silke! How nice you thought of me! I appreciate it! Gives me big time warm fuzzies!! Hugs girlfriend!

Charlene Merrick (LilLuvsStampin) said...

Just poppin' in to see what you're up to. Congrats on your blog award, Silke! Doesn't it feel good to take the time to clean up and reorganize your stamping area and to spend quality time with your children? Enjoy!


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