Wednesday, September 9, 2009

ODBD meets Mercy!!!

Happy Thursday!!!

I have a quick card for you today that I made for Mercy's Sketch Challenge - MTSC38.

I used the beautiful new Friendship Set from Our Daily Bread Designs.

The colors I used are Perfect Plum, Old Olive and White.

Don't forget to play along in our ODBD *Three for Thee* can read all about it under THIS POST !!!! You will have the chance to win some of the newly released ODBD Stamps!!! So show us you take on it :) !!!

~Supply List~

Stamp Set: Friendship (Our Daily Bread Designs)
Ink: Perfect Plum
Cardstock: White
Design Paper: Cottage Wall
Accessories: Silver Pearls, Flowers, Button, Satin Plum Ribbon (Michael's)
Card Size: 5 1/2" x 5 1/2"


Alex said...

This is beautiful Silke, I love the colors and those brads look fabulous - the silver really makes the card pop!! Gorgeous, girl! *STAMPIN HUGS* Alex

Sue (Australia) said...

Absolutely beautiful.

NinaB said...

Great choice of colors, Silke. I've never combined those two before and your card is stunning.

Unknown said...

silke...this is gorgeous, my friend! love the dp, the ribbon, the flower accent...and of course that beautiful sentiment!

thanks for playing along with my sketch fort his week, and i hope to see you again next week! :)


Denise Marzec said...

SUUUUUUPER pretty, Silke! You are ROCKIN' this new ODB set every time!

Victoria said...

absolutely gorgeous, beautiful colours and the sentiment is perfect


Unknown said...

Superb Silke. Another beautiful creation that will inspire everyone!
Viv xx

Mandalika said...

This is so pretty, I really love the colours and the sentiment is beautiful.

Cindy Haffner said...

Oh love your rich colors, so pretty Silke!!

Carol L said...

LOVE this card, especially the sentiment! Beautiful flourish design and amazing colors! WTG!!

Sabrina Jackson said...

WOW, Silke, girl, you are rocking the new releases from ODBD for sure here!!!! Everything on this card is done to perfection, a true SL masterpiece ;D. Hugs, Sabrina

The Rubber Maid said...

Love the color combo on this card, it is truly elegant. Love your poinsettia card below also. Lovely work as usual. Pat

The Rubber Maid said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judy Rozema said...

Super pretty - love those silver accents!

Cheryl said...

This is just GORGEOUS!

Jan Castle said...

Lovely card...nicely done!
Jan Castle

Chris Olsen, Glowbug said...

You are the queen of soft, elegant and CAS!! You amaze me with every creation!! Love this card!! The colors are beautiful as is your layout!!

Anonymous said...

Silke this is so beautiful!! I have always loved your simply elegant style! Thanks so much for your sweet comment on my blog!

Bev J. said...

Lovely card-love the olive and plum together. Your cards always look so sharp, clean and pretty-lots to do with the white you most always use, I think. Just great!

Laura (scrapnextras) said...

Simply stunning! Love your clean and classy style! Such a pleasure to drop in for a visit!

Lisa Brown said...

Beautiful! Love that plum and olive!

Betty Wright said...

Silke, this is beautiful!!!! Love the colors and patterns. I think I have that dp!!! LOL!!! Lovely card!!!

Grace said...

Silke you amaze me every time! LOVE this beautiful color combo and layout... great silver accents... totally love it!

Jessie/knightrone said...

This is gorgeous Silke!!`

Pam Varnell said...

This is simply gorgeous Silke. Love it!!!

Kathy Jones said...

Beautiful and elegant Silke!!! Love what you did with the sketch and all those gorgeous silver pearls!!! BEAUTIFUL!!!! ~hugs~


Happy Thursday! Stopping by with a card for the new Inspired By .... Here is this weeks  #IB289 inspiration photo and a sketch .... I was in...