Monday, October 1, 2012

TSTR134....It's Sketch Time!!!

Happy Monday and Happy October 1st!

WOW...time just flies by!!! The last two weeks have been a blur...!!!!

Today I have a new  The Shabby Tea Room Challenge ~ TSTR134 card for you. The fabulous TSTR ladies have asked me to Guest Design again and you know I can not resist to play along :) !!!

The theme this week is to create a card/project using *THIS SKETCH AND COLORS FROM THE INSPIRATION PHOTO* below!!! Please stop by the TSTR Blog for all the details on how you can play along and to view all the team members ideas!!!


I decided to use this beautiful Flourishes Fall Set called A Season of Thanks. The sentiment is from the Flourishes Seasonal Wreaths Set. My card started out with the Flourishes Classic White CS and I layered it with some Black CS. The DP is from the BoBunny Apple Cider Collection. Next I inked the main image in Memento Tuxedo Black and colored it with these Copic Markers ~ YR00, YR02, YR04, YR07, YR12, YR24, E000, E25, E27, Y15, G85, G94 and Colorless Blender. To finish it all off I added the awesome Striped Black/Cream May Arts Ribbon, some SU Black Lace Ribbon and some Black Satin Ribbon. At last I added the Prima Smoky Crystals and edge distressed the card with the Ranger Antique Linen Distress Ink.

Thank you so much for stopping by today I'll be back with a new Color Q card tomorrow....see you then!

                                                                    Hugs, ~Silke~


Mona Pendleton said...

So pretty Silke!

Sheri said...

You have created such a great fall card. Beautiful colors

Marybeth said...

I love the colors and the layout. What a fun inspiration photo! And you of course came up with the most perfect card for this challenge, love it!

Starr said...

Oh Silke, you card is just stunning and just shows off the colors beautifully. I am so glad to see your work at TSTR this week!

Jan Castle said...

Your card is beautiful Silke!!!
Paper Hugs,

Wanda Cullen said...

Silke, this is such a gorgeous fall card! Great layout and fab coloring!

Rebecca Deeprose said...

Beautiful Silke!! Such a gorgeous take on autumn! So glad to see you at TSTR!! Hugs, Rebecca

Pamela Bakhach said...

I love the colors and the layout. What a fun inspiration photo! And you of course came up with the most perfect card for this challenge, love it!


Happy Thursday! Stopping by with a card for the new Inspired By .... Here is this weeks  #IB289 inspiration photo and a sketch .... I was in...