Tuesday, December 18, 2007


This is only my 2nd week having a counter on my blog and I already have over 1,000 hits...- this is super exciting for my!!!

So I want to take the opportunity to "THANK YOU" for coming on my blog and leaving wonderful comments and looking at my cards and projects!!! This really means a lot to me!!!

Please leave a comment about your "New Years Resolution" by
23rd December 2007
at 15:00 pm EST and I will select a winner!!!

Come and share your little secret and I will tell you mine at the end of the game!!!


Jen said...

Wow after getting an e-mail today about getting published in Paper Crafts my New Year's resolution is to definitely submit more things to mags, especially since this was the first ever item I sent in for publication. So 2008 here I come watch out for those projects to come pouring out!!!

Jackie said...

Funny you should ask this today - I was just thinking about resolutions this morning and decided that my top priority in 2008 will be to look on the bright side of things, see the glass as half full, etc. I tend to be more and more negative the older I get and I don't like it at all - I'm turning into my grandmother!!

Anonymous said...

My new years resolutions are

1. Get pregnant (more of a hope)
2. Pay down on our CC atleast half would be wonderful.
3. Find a job that is less stressful and where I may be more happy.

Thanks for sharing blog candy with us!

Heather said...

1. Drink a minimum 4 glasses of water a day (I know you are supposed to have * -- but I know I can do at LEAST 4 -- morning, lunch, dinner and bed) and a maximum of one soft drink per day.

2. Write in my journal.

3. Read and reflect on a daily devotion (I have a book I plan to use).

BYT -- just found your blog through SCS -- love your clean, simple designs. That little one card is sooooo sweet! Also, love those little note pads --- I am filing that idea! Great blog!

Anonymous said...

Julie M.

1. Spend less time worrying about things that I can't change.

2. Spend more time praying, especially when I tell someone that I will be praying for them.

3. Read my yearly devotion book....... every day..... all year.

4. Keep my papers graded and my grades logged on time!

5. Spend more time with family & friends.

6. Conquer my fears!!

Allison Rankin said...

Get a little more balance in my life...I need to back off on either my hobby or my job. Guess which one I would pick? Grins!

Anonymous said...

My New Years resolution is to work hard getting my book published. I had hoped to submit my manuscript before Christmas but I am a procrastinator!

Scott Franson Photography said...

Mine is to think before I speak, which is really hard when your Irish.

MelissaS said...

Congrats on your quick success! My resolution is one of the old stand-bys - to exercise more! I have the equipment in my house, and really have no excuse. If I sit for an hour watching tv, I figure I could easily walk on the treadmill watching that same thing! Thanks for sharing - it's fun to see everyone's resolutions :)

Lilian said...

my new years resolution is to watch tv less and stamp more! :)

thank you for the chance to win.

Tee said...

Congratulations on 1000 hits in such a short span of time..just great!
I make a list by 25th of December and they are broken by 5th of Jan..Resolutions after all are made to be broken!
For this year,
1. I want to maintain my weight loss of 15 pounds..can't lose more is fine..but maintain it.
2. And be really positive about everything! I really don't want to turn into my mother .


Monika said...

Congratulations on your hits! And thanks for a chance of some great blog candy! To be hones I have not even thought about any new Year resolutions. It is all just sneaking up on me...but I guess I want to be the best mom and wife that I can be and live for the Lord Jesus.

Anonymous said...

Wow, great candy, one of my resolutions is to NOT buy scrapping stuff for at least2 months. See if I can keep that one.

Misti said...

My resolution is to RAK someone with a card at least once a week AND participate in 2 challenges. I've always said that I would do this if ever I had the chance. Well, I finally have this opportunity so I'm gonna do it!

I'm also going to help my mom (really, she will be helping me) sort thru what we have estimated to be 2000 photos stored in boxes in her garage. She will be on bed rest after her surgery so she will have LOTS of time to dictate what to write on the back of all these beautiful old photos.

Cathy M said...

Wow you sure know wow to celebrate with your readers. Sweet candy! I'll play. Congrat on your hits.
Some things I would like to happen:
1. Do some challenges
2. Stamp more and work less
3. Be debt free. Like that will ever happen with reality and my obession that keeps coming out with new things...stamps, paper, tools, and embellishments.
Thanks for a chance.

Val said...

Well, I have a couple of New Year's resolutions:
1. A minimum of 30 minutes of exercise a day.
2. Try and stamp at least 3 times per week.
3. Spend no more than $50.00 a month on crafting supplies (Ok, I know this one will never fly, but ya never know!)

I have given up on the losing weight one...never seems to happen! Congrats on your hits and thanks for the chance to win some awesome candy!

JenMarie said...

The usual......exercise!!! ha!

Anonymous said...

I just recently discovered your blog! I love it and your style :-)

Unfortunately I quit making new years resolutions several years ago. I find it too depressing when I didn't follow through :-)


rachel said...

Congratulations on all the hits! I found your site through your SCS gallery--it's lovely.

My Resolution is to journal more. I love to do it, but I don't make it a priority.

Simone said...

Meine liebe Silke,

ich freue mich immer wenn ich auf Deine Seite gehe. So kann ich Deine tollen Kreationen bewundern, mir Ideen zum Nachmachen oder Umwandeln holen aber vor allem die Bilder von Dir und Deiner Family sehen.

Ich vermisse Dich!

Meine guten Vorsätze fürs neue Jahr sind keine guten Vorsätze zu haben. So bin ich nicht enttäuscht sie nicht eingehalten zu haben und freue umso mehr über alles Gute das mir wiederfährt.

Ich wünsche Dir und Deiner Familie eine wunderschöne Weihnacht und alles Gute für das neue Jahr.Deine Simone

JenniferL. said...

I usually do not make resolutions but this year I want to keep my stamping blog updated (I have not been real good about that in the past) and save money.

Linda SS said...

I've never been too serious about resolutions. I just try to live each day to the fullest and be a good person and friendly to everyone I encounter. I could stand to eat healthier and get back to my swim aerobics class too though:)


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