Friday, November 30, 2012

C4C165 Let it Snow......Silver or Gold!!!

Happy weekend!

Sarah and I are out shopping today...wrapping up our final Christmas gift giving list. I can't believe that tomorrow is the 1. Advent...yeah! The weather here in Georgia is a awesome.......the forecast is 73 Fahrenheit...I guess a great day to go shopping!!!

Anyway, we are having a brand new Crazy 4 Challenges host and theme....Frances would like for us to create a *SNOWMAN* card/ ink up your fun stamps and play along! Please swing by the C4C Blog to see all the ideas the team had!!!

I decided to pull out my favorite Warm Winter Wishes Set from to create this card....please see my Flourishes supply list/links below!!!

Remember there is still time to play along in the Cater Crop Recipe Swap Challenge......the theme is *Silver or Gold*...check out the Catered Crop Blog post!!! The layout of my card was inspired by this weeks Deconstructed Sketch #79....

Thank you so much for stopping by today! I'll be back on Monday with my new TSTR card...see you then!

                                                           Hugs, ~Silke~

Flourishes Supplies:

Flourishes FREE FOR ALL...Silver or Gold!!!

Happy TGIF!!!

It's been a long weekend..and I'm ready for my weekend :) !!! In all the craziness I have managed to craft a card for today's Flourishes FREE FOR always the Senior Design Team is showing of their favorite Flourishes Sets and goodies!!! You can find my Flourishes supply list & links on the bottom of this post!

I also decided to combine this card with the Catered Crop Recipe Swap Challenges....which is to create a card/project using *SILVER OR GOLD* can find all the details over on the Catered Crop Blog. For more inspiration check out this Pinterest board....

The layout of my card was inspired by the Retro Sketch #39....

Don't forget to hop over to the rest of the Flourishes Senior Design Team to see what they have created for you today.....

Don't forget the Flourishes Timeless Tuesday ~ FTTC197 is hosting a Gold or Silver Challenge theme too!!! Have a fabulous weekend...I'll be back tomorrow with another Flourishes Holiday Card....see ya then,

                                                                Hugs, ~Silke~    

Flourishes supplies:

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

TMS174 and CQC165 Peace & Joy!!!

Happy Tuesday!!!

Hope you all had a wonderful relaxing weekend??? I can't believe I'm back at work...I really enjoyed my time off last week :) !!! At least the girls have a regular schedule again...always a good thing...LOL!!!

Today is my last Guest Designer gig with the Tuesday Morning Sketch ladies...thank you for having me and I can't believe how fast this month has passed by!!! We have another fabulous Sketch waiting for you and I hope you have a chance to try it too?!?

Here is my idea.....

Here is the Sketch #174......don't forget to swing by the TMS Blog to see all the beautiful ideas the team had and of course to link your entries as well!!! The colors for my card are inspired by this weeks Color Q ~  CQC165....hope you will give them a try too???


My card features some fabulous Flourishes goodies!!! All of my supplies are linked & listed below!

Thank you so much for taking the time to check out my card. Have a wonderful remaining week and I'll be back soon!
                                                                 Hugs, ~Silke~

Flourishes Supplies:

Friday, November 23, 2012

C4C164 and a FAB Friday Sketch!!!

Happy Saturday!

Have you recuperated from your Thanksgiving feast??? I think I gained 5 pounds by just looking at the food...LOL!!! Did you take advantage of the Flourishes Black Friday Sale??? If not..then you still have time till midnight to receive a 20% discount...check out the details HERE!!!

This week we have another fun C4C Challenge ~ C4C164 for you....JUST PUT A BOW ON IT!!!!

I pulled out the Flourishes In & Out Just Because Set. The entire supply list can be found on the bottom of this post!!!

The layout for this card was inspired by this weeks FAB Friday 07 Sketch....

Don't forget to swing by the C4C Blog for all the details and the teams take on the challenge!!!

Have a fabulous weekend and I'll be back on Tuesday with a new card or two :) !!! See you then...

                                                               Hugs, ~Silke~

Flourishes Supplies:


Happy Thursday! The new Inspired By is up...unfortunately this was a very busy week for me and I did not get a chance to craft.  Enjoy bein...