Wednesday, April 30, 2008

SC174 Illuminations

I liked yesterday's Color Combo #164 so much I had to combined it with today's Sketch Challenge!!!

I have used one of my favorite Stamp Set's called "Illuminations"!!! I think you can still buy it, it's on the Dormant List - make sure you check with your SU Demonstrator!!!

I really like how it turned out - this card has a dramatic vibe - LOL!!! I wish my bow would have turned out a little better......

Anyway - I hope you get a chance to play today!!!

Also stay tuned I'll be giving away some major
BLOG CANDY soon!!!

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

CC164 Always "Birdy"

Don't you just love these colors???
JazzyTobi has picked them for today's Color Combo Challenge #164.
The colors are Basic Black, Purley Pomegranate and Soft Sky.
I don't recall ever using them together, but I do like them!!!
Waahhooo - for all you "Always" Set lovers out there - I have made another card for ya and I have finally used the "BIRDY"!!!
Jessica Rone aka "Can you say addicted to stamps???" has come up with a great Sketch Challenge for the Great Swaps Girls and I thought I would try it out!!! Hope you like it??? ~TFL~!!!

BIC11 Blooming with Happiness

Good Morning everyone!!!

Today's is the "Be Inspired" Challenge #11.

Beate has picked this fun card and envelope to work with.

I really liked the dress and the colors - that's what I have based my card on.

Can you believe I have only one dress stamp??? The stamp is from the retired Hostess Set called "Blooming with Happiness" and I thought I would dress it up with some cute small gemstones from Hero Arts.

The colors I have chosen for this card reflect some of the dotted colors in the "Inspiration" piece - Pretty in Pink and Certainly Celery and the Chocolate Chip from the envelope. These color are also the colors for the CC#163 - I like them a lot - can you tell???

Since the "Inspiration" piece is fairly simple I'd tried to transfer that look onto my card as well and add the main focus on the dress with the "sparkle"!!! Hope you like it???

Make sure you check everyone else on the BI Team too!!!~TFL~

Sunday, April 27, 2008

First Featured Swapper - Jackie Pedro!!!

Now that I'm a new Great Swaps Girl I have the great pleasure casing the First Featured Swapper Jackie Pedro!!!

I have been a big fan of Jackie's for a long time and stalked her for a while until we've decided to add each other to our blog rolls.....LOL!!!

Jackie has an awesome blog which you can visit right here.

If you don't know Jackie by now - it's about time that you hop over to her blog and do so - LOL!!!

I have choosen to case this card from her SCS gallery.

Here is what I have changed:

- I have used different DP, CS and Ink in this case I have used Wild Wasabi, Really Rust and "Apple Cider" from SU.

- I have used two different Stamp Set's - "Live Your Dream" and the retired "Riveting".

Hope you like it and please make sure to read all the new and exciting updates down below!!!


Look at this!!!

Do you recall this card???

This gorgeous card was mailed to me by my blogger friend Jessica Rone and best known as aka "Can you say addicted to stamps???"

Jessica made this beauty last Sunday when I was the "Featured Stamper".

I love the wonderful colors she has used and I know she had fun using the Jumbo Eyelets with the Rhinestone Brads - LOL!!!

Jessica you are just too sweet and I'm so happy to call you my blogger friend and now we are new "Swap Girls" too!!!


I have wonderful news...I'm a new GREAT SWAPS GIRL - that's right I'm the new girl on the blog!!! This is a Stampin Up Demonstrator group that started this blog in August 2007 and these ladies share top notch swaps!!!

It is a "Invitation only" based group and I can't believe they have asked me to little sparklegirl - LOL!!!

I'm so excited, because I have always wondered what it's like to everything is new to me!!!

I have first read about this awesome group last week when my blogger friend Jessica Rone
aka "Can you say addicted to stamps???" was asked to join and I have thought to myself how super cool is this....and now I'm also a GREAT SWAPPER GIRL!!!

As soon as I have tested the waters...I saw that my wonderful and sooooo talented friend
Nancy Riley aka "Stampinat6213" was also asked - YEAHHHH!!! So we both are the new girls on the blog!!!

Once I figure out what's new and exciting I'll fill ya in!!!!

Look at this card #1 !!!

This card is from my blogger friend Denise aka "peanutbee".

She has made this card last Sunday when I was the
"Featured Stamper".

I've already thought it was gorgeous then and now that I'm holding it in my hands it's even more gorgeous, because I know how much love and work she has put into it!!!

Thank you so much for mailing it to me!!! You have made my day yesterday!!!

Look at this card #2 !!!!

This is another card I have received from my blogger friend Denise aka "peanutbee". Isn't it super cute???

I needed that hug so much and it helped me to feel better !!!

Denise is the nicest person and I consider myself very lucky to have found her!!!

I have always loved Denise's cards over on SCS and one day I saw that she has started a blog and from that day on I have stalked her!!!

Denise hope you don't mind - LOL!!! I know I have already mentioned that she makes awesome cards as you can tell already by the cards she has made for me......and if you have not checked her out yet please hop on over to her blog and see for yourself!!!

FS64 Kind Thoughts

Today's Featured Stamper is
Michelle aka "Sf9erfan".

I don't know Michelle, but I can tell you that her gallery is exquisite!!!

You can check her gallery right here.

I wasn't sure how much time my girls would give me to stamp today and I have already lost precious time drooling over Michelle's gallery......that I've decided to settled for a card that I didn't need to change much...since Michelle's cards are so gorgeous anyway....!!!

Here is the card I have cased. These are the changes I have made:

- I have used a different Stamp Set
- I have pierced a border
- I have used a Grosgrain Ribbon instead of a Taffeta Ribbon
- Plus I have used less layers of Cardstock to fit the image.

Michelle's card was made for a Color Combo Challenge so I definitely wanted to keep the wonderful colors - Chocolate Chip, Pretty in Pink and Certainly Celery.

Hope you have time to enjoy Michelle's gallery and find some time to case one of her gorgeous cards too!!! ~TFL~

Saturday, April 26, 2008

AWARD Time again!!!

Guess what I have gotten another Arte Y Pico Award....this time Judy Rozema aka Joy in Jar was so sweet to give it to me!!! Thank you Judy!!!

I told Judy I was excepting it again, because I have some wonderful - new to me - blogs that I wanted to share with you and some blogs I have been visiting for a while and these stampers deserve it as well, since they have not receive it yet!!!

Of course I want to follow the rules which are:

1. You pick five blogs that you consider deserve this award for their creativity, design, interesting material, and also contribute to the blogging community, no matter what language.

2. Each award has to have the name of the author and also a link to his or her blog to be visited by everyone.

3. Each award winner has to show the award and put the name and the link to the blog that has given her or him the award itself.

4. Award-winner and the one who has given the prize have to show the link of Arte y Pico blog, so everyone will know the origin of this award.

So here we go with my five picks:

1. Jackie Pedro - "The Scalloped Edge"

2. Denise - "The Paper Landscaper"

3. Wendy Aungst - "WeeBee Stampin"

4. Sarah Gough - "thInking Stamps"

5. LeAnne - "Wee Inklings"

Hope you will have time to visit these talented ladies and maybe you will discover some one new you can stalk - LOL!!!

Friday, April 25, 2008

LSC165 Simple Somethings

Happy TGIF!!!

After this crazy week - I'm going out tonight and have fun with my DH - poor guy had to put up with a lot this week - LOL!!!

Things are pretty much back to normal and I'm looking forward having my boy back soon....

Don't you just love the Limited Supply Challenge today??? Jen knows how to pick them...she definitely got my grey brain cells going!!!

I had to write everything down so I would not mess up and get kicked out of the gallery - LOL!!!

I tried to keep my card faily simple just to remember all the rules...

Here is the List that Jen made:

1. Make a square card. (Any size)
2. Use only scrap pieces of paper. (The base card doesn't have to be a scrap.)
3. Use ribbon or fiber scraps.
4. Use only ONE other embellishment.
5. Use any colors, stamps, and tools.

My card is 5"x 5" and I have added a scrap of 3"x 3" Real Red CS. I have pierced around it and added the Ribbon.The only embellishment is my square Metal Tag from SU and I have stamped this cute flower image on it using the Real Red and Garden Green Markers. This Set is a retired Hostess Set called "Simple Somethings" and the sentiment is from the "Absolutely Fabulous" Set.

Hope you like it and have a chance to play also!!! Have a great weekend and I'll see ya soon!!!

Thursday, April 24, 2008


If you have not seen this card yet - you have missed something Big Time!!!

This FANTASTIC AND BOMBASTIC CARD was made by no other than Cindy aka Mothermark on SCS!!!

She has made it for my Featured Stamper announcement this past Sunday!!!

I'm sooooooo loving this card and to be honest with you I've even shed a tear or 10 because I have never ever received anything like it!!!

Cindy has created an absolute MASTERPIECE with this one -please look at all the wonderful sensational details she has added - I kept starring at this card for ever and ever when I first saw it!!! Guess what - today I have received this FANTASTIC CARD in my mailbox!!! Let me tell you - it is so mind blowing holding this one in my hand!!!! It is just as FABULOUS as it is in the picture Cindy has taken on SCS!!! I had to take these photo's just to share it with you again....

Cindy I have loved you from the far and I love you even more now and you will always have a super special place in my heart!!! Thank you so much for taking the time to create this fantastic card just for me!!!

BTW - Cindy has also created a wonderful story with this card and you can see it HERE

WT163 Light of the World

In today's "Ways to use it" Challenge it called for us to use - snip snip - scissors!!!

I use my scissors a lot to cut out images that I like to raise onto my images for the 3-D look....and that's exactly what I have done for this challenge too!!!

For this card I have chosen to use my "Our Daily Bread Designs" Set called "Light of the World"!!!
This Bible Verse Stamp Set is so beautiful and this company just came out with two more Sets....and I'll buy them soon!!!

Anyway - my card measures 5 1/2" x 5 1/2" and I started out with a Transparency Sheet. Nest I have pierced the Whisper White CS and layered it on a Blue Bayou CS. These two CS's were placed behind the front side of the TS card and I have fastened them with Antique Brads.

For the main image I have stamped the lighthouse with Black Stazon twice and cut the second lighthouse out. The I started coloring the image with Yoyo Yellow Ink, Glorious Green and Going Gray Markers. I have also used the YG91 Puffy (matches the River Rock) and B34 Manganese Blue Copic Markers. I played around with the Copic Blender Pen as well to soften some areas.

I have bought my Copic's at an Artist Store in Savannah just to see if I like them and they have a wonderful selection too - just in case someone from this area is reading this and wants to try them.....

After I have colored the the lighthouse I have raised it with Stampin Dimensionals and centered it on top of the first. The Whisper White CS was layered onto River Rock and then I have added the Antique Jumbo Eyelets and the sentiment from this set. I have also raised this panel with Stampin Dimensionals!!! ~TFL~

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

SC173 Live Your Dream

Hey you all - I made this "Thanks" card to everyone who was so kind to sent their thoughts and prayers my way!!!

It meant the world to me and my family!!!

Today is a better and brighter day for me...I went and picked out a "Urn" for Rico yesterday and I should have my boy back in about two weeks....

He'll get a special place in our house and then I can talk to him when ever I want to...!!! I know that's kinda weird, but it really helps me to move on!!!

This wonderful Sketch for today's Challenge #173 came in really handy to create the card.
I have also used the colors from yesterdays Color Combo #163 - Chocolate Chip, Certainly Celery and Pretty in Pink - they are sooooo beautiful together!!!

The main image is from the new "Live Your Dream" Set and I'm so glad I finally bought it - it's so much fun to make a card with....I have inked the flowers with Pretty in Pink and the stems in Certainly Celery - then I have sprayed the stamp with my Mister and stamped it straight onto
a Whisper White CS. The sentiment was inked in Chocolate Chip.

I have also stamped the little butterfly from this set in Pretty in Pink and outlined it with a CC Marker. I had to add some sparkles to it and also to the center of the flowers.....The Ribbon is the 5/8" Regal Rose color from SU.

Thank you again for being so sweet and I hope you like the card?!?

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

CC163 - Little Things

I totally forgot to come back and post my card for the Color Combo Challenge here on my blog.....

I'm trying to catch up with everything..... and the girls had Dentist Appointments - plus I haven't been to the store for days etc....

I had to play this morning - I love these wonderful colors that Emily has picked for us!!! Certainly Celery, Pretty in Pink and Chocolate Chip - don't they look so beautiful together???

When I created one of my cards with the "Happy Harmony" Set the other day I was reading this wonderful sentiment "It's the little things that make life BIG" and I was thinking to myself how beautiful and true it is!!!

So when I started thinking of cards - I was thinking of creating a baby card and I knew I had to add it some how....Did I ever tell you that I love making *BABY CARDS"??? They are soooo cute....

Anyway - I started with Pretty in Pink as my base. Before I started adding the Chocolate Chip and the "Dotted" CB embossed Certainly Celery CS to the base - I have pierced the top and bottom of the Chocolate Chip CS and distressed the edges of both Cardstocks. I've also added the 5/8" Chocolate Chip Ribbon.

The scalloped PP CS and the main image were punched out with the Mary Punches. The hand image is from the retired "I'm Here" Set. To finish it off I have added some Silver Brads.

Thank you for stopping by!!!!

Thank You So Much!!!

I just wanted to"THANK" everyone for your kind words and the prayers you have sent my way.
You all have touch my heart so much and it really meant the world to me!!!

Today is a brighter day - I'll try to take each day at a time and I know it will get easier.....My heart is filled with all the wonderful memories of Rico and I hope that will help me to move on!!!

I'm sending every one of you a big, big cyberhug - can you feel it - LOL???

Have a wonderful day!!!


BIC10 Botanical Garden

Today is Beates' "Be inspired" Challenge #10.

This canvas gave me the hardest time - LOL!!!

I wanted to try some different techniques and ideas and nothing really worked.....

So I had to rethink and finally came up with this longer card....I was really inspired by the beautiful colors of the canvas and tried to include them all.

The card measures 3 1/4" x 6 1/2". I started with Whisper White as my base. Then I have used Marigold Morning CS and tore the bottom. The main image is from the wonderful retired "Botanical Garden" Set and I have stamped it in Tempting Turquoise. I have trimmed around the image and left a little white frame to make it stand out a bit.....Both CS's were raised with Stampin Dimensionals.

I have used a 5/8" Chocolate Chip Ribbon to dress the card up and used the sentiment from the "Absolutely Fabulous"Set. To finish it off I have added some small green Rhinestone Brads.
All Products are from Stampin Up!!!

Hope I have inspired you to play along. Please make sure you check everyone elses creation on the Inspiration Team - you know those ladies make gorgeous cards.
You can find the Team on the right hand side of my blog. Have a wonderful day and ~TFL~!!!

Monday, April 21, 2008

Emotional Roller Coaster Ride!!!

Wow - yesterday was just crazy!!! I loved all the cards everyone has made...You all have rocked my day - BIG TIME!!! I'm still trying to catch up with everyone....!!!

Today - is a little different....My dear Rico - our Boxer - who was just 2 month shy of his 14th Birthday - took a tumble for the worse!!!

It kinda started a couple off days ago when we noticed that his fur has change - being flaky and not shiny anymore...he still ate, drank just fine plus he slept a lot anyway. Yesterday he still had breakfast and everything seemed fine until in the later afternoon.....he went outside and was walking around until I saw him collapse - we picked him back up and he was the evening it happened again and he didn't have the strength anymore to get up - so we knew his time has come.

I was hoping he would peacefully fall a sleep, but his heart was still going strong just his circulate system didn't work anymore. So we rushed him to the vet this morning and he confirmed that the time has come to let Rico go.....We had to put him to sleep!!!

As you can imagen last night and this morning were pretty rough for me/us and I have a very big hole in my heart right now and I don't know if it ever can be filled again!!!

So I was not kidding about the emotional roller coster ride - one day good - one day bad and I know life is full of crazy rides!!! I'll catch you all later.....


Sunday, April 20, 2008

OMG - OMG - OMG!!!

This must be the most exciting stamping day in my life - I was chosen to be today's Featured Stamper!!!

My hands are still shaking as I'm writing this.....I think I'm on cloud nine!!!!

I have found my passion in stamping almost three years ago and I've been loving every minute!!!
Or should I say I'm totally obsessed with it??? Most of all I love everyone over on SCS for making me a better stamper - the challenges have really taught me to think outside the box and I have been stalking some of you and learned so much!!!!

Then my *idol* Beate Johns had asked me to be on her "Inspiration Team" and I thought I was in heaven and it couldn't get any better than that....but I guess I was wrong - LOL!!!

I'm still fighting this "Sinus infection" and that's the reason I'm home today otherwise I wouldn't have seen all of this wonderful action until I would have come home from church.....

I'm looking forward seeing every ones card and I'm thanking you from the bottom of my heart if you have played already or if you are thinking of playing today!!!

Have a wonderful Sunday ~God bless~

~Silke~ aka ~sparklegirl~

Saturday, April 19, 2008

IC124 Live Your Dream

Don't you just love it when you see something and you know exactly what to do or what to create???
Well - it happened to me tonight when I saw the Inspiration Piece for the IC #124 Challenge!!!
The above fabric is so pretty and it compliments the Soft Sky, Groovy Guava, Old Olive and Very Vanilla colors - that I wanted these colors in my card!!!
Plus don't ya love it when the *Brown* man brings you the new goodies you've just ordered??? Mine did and I'm the proud new owner of this fabulous "Live Your Dream" Set!!!
I need to tell you real quick that I have been fighting this stupid "Head Cold" for the past couple of days and I'm pretty much drugged up - so if I seem a little funny to you let's blame it on the drugs - LOL!!!

Back to the card- I kept it very simple....I started with the Soft Sky as my base and layered a panel of Old Olive across. Then I have stamped the flower image with Groovy Guava and the stems with Old Olive. I have added some plain Silver Brads in the center of the flowers.

The image was layered onto Groovy Guava Cardstock and I have raised it with Stampin Dimensionals. The sentiment from this Set was inked in Old Olive. To dress it up a bit more I have added the super cute flower Brads from the "Styled Silver Hardware" - voila!!!
Hope you'll have a great weekend and I'll see you soon ~TFL~!!!

Friday, April 18, 2008

LSC164 Lovely as a Tree

I have been falling behind with creating cards for my previous Blog Candy participants....

I have put some of my Fall and Winter Sets away, to make room for the new stuff and I had to go and dig
this wonderful "Lovely as a Tree" Set out of my box....

A handful of you, Cindy Royal "Royal Things", Sara Russell "Sara's Paper Creations", Linda SS, Jackie and Doreen - have told me that this is their favorite Set and I have made this card especially for you guys!!! I hope you like it ?!!?

The longer image from this Set really works wonderful with a long card....My card measures 4" x 8" and I used Chocolate Chip as my base. The main image is stamped in Craft Chocolate Chip Ink and I have embossed it with Clear EP. Then I layered it onto Wild Wasabi and then onto So Saffron CS. I have raised both layers with Stampin Dimensionals.
Before I placed the image to the card I've added a panel of Wild Wasabi.

Since there is no sentiment with this Set - I've added some medium Copper Brads on each side to fill the empty spaces. I never use my Copper Hodgepodge Fasteners and decided it would look nice on the corner of the image and just attached a DS Wild Wasabi Ribbon to it.

I'm still trying to work on some cards with your favorite I hope you'll stop by again soon and see if I have picked your Set?!? A lot of you guys really love the "Tart & Tangy" Set and I'm trying hard to see what I can come up with, but so many people over on SCS already made exceptional cards - that I'm overwhelmed to create something......LOL!!! Just bare with me and I bet ya soon or later the perfect challenge comes around and I know exactly what to do.....

Have a wonderful weekend and ~TFL~!!!

LSC164 A Light unto My Path

For today's Limited Supply Challenge we get to make a LONG CARD!!! NO DP allowed....
Isn't that fun???

I finally get a chance to use my new "A Light unto My Path" Set!!! I think it works great with a longer card.

Here is what I have done. My card measures 4" x 8". I started out with River Rock as my base and stamped it about 3/4 of the card with the Sanded BG Stamp also using River Rock Ink.

Then I stamped the main image with Blue Bayou and I stroked the ink pad sideways to give the "Sky" a different look. I used a "Baby Wipe" to remove the bottom part and then I've stamped it with River Rock to compliment the "dune" area....- hope that makes sense???

After the image was done I've layered it onto River Rock and Blue Bayou CS - both layers were raised with Stampin Dimensionals. The sentiment on the bottom was inked in Blue Bayou.

To dress the card up a bit I added some medium Copper Brads and the DS Blue Bayou Ribbon.
Hope you like it??? ~TFL~

Thursday, April 17, 2008

WT162 Spring Blooms

For the "Way to Use it" Challenge - we get to use anything with Acrylic....not bad!!!

I have a small collection of Acrylic Stamps from my starter time as a stamper!!!

I bought this fun set at Archiver's many years ago and have not really used it much at all....that's why I have picked it for today's challenge.

It's another gorgeous Spring day here in the South and I wanted to reflect the bright cheery colors on my card....

I have made a couple of cards already with the Only Orange and Orchid Opulence colors and I just love them so much I had to use them again!!!!
Don't they just scream *SPRING*????

This Acrylic Set is from "Impression Obsession" and it's called "CL68 Spring Blooms". Most of the images come in a square shape and they fit perfectly with the 1 1/4" square Punch from SU. I just picked the images that I liked the best and randomly inked them in Only Orange and Orchid Opulence.

Then I have punched out the scalloped squares with the "Super" size Punch from Marvy Uchida.
The images were raised with Stampin Dimensionals onto the scalloped squares and then again onto the Whisper White CS.

All of the flower images were dressed up with the "clear" gemstones from Hero Arts. Hope you like it??? ~TFL~

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

SFYTT Afternoon Tea

Hello everyone!!! I had a later start today since my friend came over and we've played around a little bit with Chalk's - I have not used mine in a long time, so it was nice to explore a little bit......

I just wanted to show you all the card I have made for Jen del Muro's new Sketch.

I have used the new Afternoon Tea Designer Paper and cut them in three 1" panels and layered them on
1 1/4" Chocolate Chip CS.

The base of my card is Very Vanilla. I have placed
the panels on Stampin Dimensionals. Then I have stamped the sentiment from the retired "In My Thought's" Set in Chocolate Chip and also layered it on Chocolate Chip Cardstock.

The flowers are from the 5-Petals, the new Boho Blossoms and the retired Spring Bouquet
Flowers Punches. All of them were randomly put together and raised with Stampin Dimensionals. I dressed them up with small Halfback Pearls.

The finishing touch was adding the yummy CC Satin Ribbon and voila that's it!!! ~TFL~

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Look at this!!!

I have received two "You make my day"Awards.

The first one is from Beate and the other one is from Joann and Amy!!! Thank you ladies - you know you are making my day everytime you visit!!!

Here are some wonderful and talented ladies I'm sending this Award to - please visit if you have time and hopefully you'll enjoy them as much as I do!!!

1. Denise - The Paper Landscaper
2. Riley - Stamp and Dance with Riley
3. Judy - Joy in a Jar
4. Kay - Stamping to Share
5. Laurie - Inspired Designs

CC162 - Happy Harmony

The colors for today's Color Challenge #162 are just gorgeous!!!

Groovy Guava, Basic Black and Blush Blossom....

I have been a stamper for almost 3 years and this is the first time that I've get to used Blush Blossom!!! It works so beautiful with the Groovy I haven't used this wonderful retired SAB Set called "Happy Harmony" in a long time....

I have made my card 5" x 5" and started with Basic Grey as my base color.

Then I cut a Whisper White CS 4 3/4" x 4 3/4" and a Groovy Guava CS 4 1/2" x 4 1/2" . I layered them and placed my main image on the left hand side.

The flowers were stamped with Blush Blossom first and then I've stamped the Groovy Guava on top -just trying to touch the edges of the flowers....
I've layered it with Groovy Guava and a rectangle scalloped Basic Grey Nesti. The Basic Grey Ribbon is from SU and it's from the Taffeta Collection.

I have also placed some Pewter Jumbo Eyelets and Clear Rhinestone Brads to the card. The sentiment was stamped in Basic Grey and it's also from the same Set.

Make sure you'll check out my "Inspiration" card for Beate's "Be Inspired" Challenge #9 - it's just one below and I hope you'll get a chance to play along!!!

Have a wonderful day and ~TFL~!!!

Monday, April 14, 2008

BIC9 - Something special

Isn't this a beautiful canvas Beate has picked for her "Be Inspired" Challenge #9???
When I first saw it I've immediately thought of Wild Wasabi and Gold colors.....

The perfect way to create your own canvas is by using Faith's aka "Markie's Mom" Ink-Spray-Smash technique. If you have not tried this wonderful and little messy method - give it a try and you'll be amazed what you can come up with.....Faith's blog is listed on the right hand side under my favorites!!!

For my card I have used Wild Wasabi, Pumpkin Pie and Cranberry Crisp. I've used my Refill Ink's randomly and drip them on a glossy CS and misted some water on it - smashed them together - voila!!!
I have trimmed mine down to the area that I liked the best and started stamping my new fabulous Cornish Heritage Farms Stamp Set called "Nature Silhouettes" with a Gold Pigment ink and layered it onto a Wild Wasabi CS.

My card measures 5" x 5". I've started with cutting my Transparency Sheet to that size and attached a pierced Whisper White Cardstock behind the front side. I have used Antique Brads from SU to hold the CS into place....Then I've centered my main image onto the front of the Transparency Sheet and finished it off with the fab Satin Chocolate Chip Ribbon holding the Antique Label Holder from SU. The sentiment is also from the CHF Set and I've stamped it in Chocolate Chip.
Hope you like it and don't be shy to play a long!!!

Please make sure you'll visit all the other wonderful ladies from the Inspiration Team which can be found on the right hand side of my blog. Have a great day!!! ~TFL~

Sunday, April 13, 2008

WSC43 - One of a Kind

First of all I just wanted to let you know that my little Mimi is doing okay....she had a little collision with her sister on the neighbors trampoline and must have fell funny onto her sister cutting her tongue with her own teeth....- it was a very deep and long cut, but thank goodness the doctors did not need to sew it together...they said they would have placed her under full anesthesia if she would have bit through it....that would have been major drama....

Lucky Mimi gets to eat lots of ice cream and mainly liquid foods plus she has to take penicillin to fight off any infections!!!

Anyway - here is the card I have made for Beate's Weekend Sketch Challenge #43.

This card is dedicated to "Lindsay" from California and Stephanie Eisele aka "Stampin Cats" who both chose the "One of a Kind" Set as their favorite when they participated in my Blog Candy Giveaway!!! Way to go ladies!!!

I love this Bohemian Set and I also love the colors Kristina Werner had going on on her color challenge #4 - Tempting Turquoise, Taken with Teal, Chocolate Chip, Close to Cocoa, Old Olive and Very Vanilla. These colors remind me of the trips I use to take to the Middle East when I was a Flight Attendant. They had the most beautiful beaches ever and the picture totally reflects that beauty!!!

The card I have made measures 4" x 4". The Tempting Turquoise CS was CB'd with the "Textile" folder and then I've made the panel on the left with Chocolate Chip and a stripe of Close to Cocoa - for the scallop edge I've used the Corner Rounder and added the Mini gold Brads. The panel was finished off with the Tempting Turquoise Ribbon from SU.

The main image was stamped with Chocolate Chip onto Very Vanilla and another with the Tempting Turquoise CS - both were cut out and raised with Stampin Dimensionals. For the center I have used the Build a Brad from SU and stamped that little flower image with Old Olive.

Hope you like my "Bohemian" card and I'll see ya soon!!!


Hello again - it's time to reveal the WINNER for my BLOG CANDY!!!!

It's SARAH aka "Mustangsarah". Go and check out her wonderful talented blog "Creations by Sarah" and Sarah please e-mail me your address!!!

Thank you everyone for playing!!! Make sure to stop by again soon and I'm still working on some of your favorite Stamp Set's!!!

I'll reveal a new card little Miriam had an accident and needs some stitches on her tongue - my husband has already taken her to the hospital and I'm just waiting for the babysitter!!!

I told ya - there is never a quiet moment around here - LOL!!!

I'll keep you posted.....~Silke~

FS62 Pick a Petal

Happy Sunday everyone!!!

We just got back from Church and all of my girls are either sleeping of I took the opportunity to post my card.

I have made this card for today's "Featured Stamper" Jodi aka "Kharmagirl" on SCS.
She is the sweetest lady - Jodi always leaves the nicest comments on your creations.....!!!
BTW Jodi has a wonderful gallery herself with plenty of fantastic creations - go check her out and play along !!!

I decided to case this card from her gallery and here is what I have changed....

- I've used a the layout from the SC143 Sketch
- I have changed the colors to Whisper White, Real Red and Basic Black.
- I've punched out circles for the center piece and added a Jumbo Eyelet and Rhinestone Brad
- The sentiment is from the "Just Like You" Set.

Make sure you'll stop by again soon when I'll announce the Winner for my Blog Candy!!! If you have not signed up yet - hurry....~TFL~!!!

Saturday, April 12, 2008

IC123 - Priceless

For today's Inspiration Challenge #123 we had to pick a "Cow" from this website (you can find the link by the IC) ....and I was inspired believe it or not by the *Ballerina Munchkin* from the Wizard of Oz.

I would have never thought I would ever get inspired by a cow , but I must admit this one is kinda I love the pinkish colors!!! I have picked my favorite color from this years "In Color" Collection - Purely Pomegranate - and I'm gonna miss this color a lot come August...

I know my butterflies are not a *ballerina*, but I thought I would use them because I know in *Munchkin Land* they do have butterflies - LOL!!! Of course the "Priceless" Set works perfect with my Inspiration piece, because getting inspired by a cow - that's "Priceless" - LOL!!!

Anyway, I've kept it very simple I've used only two colors - Whisper White and Purely Pomegranate.

The card measures 3 1/4" x 7". I've stamped the "butterflies" and then used the "Paper Tole" technique. The sentiment is from the "It's your Birthday" Set. I've also added Silver Brads on the right hand side.

This card is dedicated to all the wonderful "Blog Candy" participants who have chosen the "Priceless" Set as their favorite!!! Thank you for making me dig it out again!!!

If you have not sign up yet, please go down a couple of posts and sign up - I'm picking a Winner on Sunday afternoon!!!

Have a good one and ~TFL~!!!

Friday, April 11, 2008

MOJO Sketch 32 - Bloomin' Beautiful

This card is for all the
"Bloomin' Beautiful" Set lovers!!!

To create this card I have used the *MOJO* Monday Sketch from Julee Tilman.

I started out with Really Rust as my base. Then I've layered it with Soft Sky and used the "Fall Flowers" DP from Stampin Up on top. For the required strip across I have used Basic Grey and added some Eyelets on the left hand side.

The image itself was stamped with Black Stazon and I have actually stamped it twice. The second flower image was cut down to create a "Paper Tole" or what I call it a 3-D look...The flower pot was colored with the Going Gray Ink and Basic Grey Marker. The flowers were colored with the Really Rust Ink using a Blender Pen an I tried to create a lighter and darker look. The leafts were colored with a Old Olive Ink also using the Blender Pen.

The cute little *Bumble Bee's* were colored in Barley Banana and Going Gray. I also raised them with Stampin Dimensionals.

After I had cut and colored the second flower image I added some Crystal Effect on it and dried it with the Heating Tool - make sure you hold it far away or it will burn the CE!!! I have to give my blogger friend Jessica aka "Can you say addicted to stamps???" credit for this idea I have seen it on one of her cards that she created with this set and I loved it - *Thank you* Jessie!!!

To finish my card off I added the super gorgeous Basic Grey Taffeta Ribbon from Stampin Up.
Hope you like it and maybe I have inspired you to try your own with this wonderful Sketch from Julee Tilman. If you do make a card I would love to see it too!!! You can always leave me a link to it!!!

Don't forget to sign up for my ***BLOG CANDY***!!! I'm picking a Winner on Sunday!!!

Have a great weekend and don't forget to stop by again to see what else I have created.....

LSC163/ssnotime30 - I just heard!!!

Today's Limited Supply Challenge #163 is a fun one.... - you have to create your own Designer Paper!!!

After I had already post this card I realized this card also qualifies me for Sharon's Challenge #30 - add Glitter!!! Maybe I need to read all the challenge first, but what can I say....I was only on my first cup of "Cappuchino" - LOL!!

First I wasn't sure what to think or do for the LSC, but than I came across a striped Journal and I thought I would copy that idea and since the Journal was a baby blue color I've made the decision to create a *BABY* card!!!

The "Wild About You" Set is one of my old time favorites!!! Here is what I have done.

I used Whisper White as my base and layered Chocolate Chip, Bashful Blue and the striped CS that I have created on top of it. The striped card was made with a ruler and the Bashful Blue Marker.

I have done the same CS layering with the image.
The cute little *Elephant* was stamped with Bashful Blue and the *Flower* with Chocolate Chip and Regal Rose Markers. I also added some Dazzling Diamond Glitter on the flower.

The Satin Ribbon is from A.C. Moore. I used the Copper Hardware from Stampin Up to finish the card off. The sentiment is from the "Absolutely Fabulous" Set and it was stamped in Chocolate Chip.

Hope you like it??? How fun would this card look in *Pink* maybe I'll give it a try later.....~TFL~!!!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

WT161 Always

I agree with everyone else who is playing for my Blog Candy - that the "Always" Set is one of the prettiest Set's and of course it's also one of my favorites!!!

You guy's just know how to pick them!!!

This is my first card for all the BC participants who have chosen this Set - I'll try to make a couple of more if my "Mojo" is flowing....LOL!!!

For this card I have use the Chocolate Chip, Groovy Guava and So Saffron CS. I embossed the heart with Gold EP and trimmed it close to the dotted line. Since this WT #161 Challenge is about using "Eyelets" I had to add my favorite Accessories from the SU Catalog and that's the Jumbo Eyelets with the fabulous Rhinestones.
Not to forget the yummy Satin Chocolate Chip Ribbon....

Hope you like it and thanks for playing for my Blog Candy - if you have not sign up yet, you better hurry - I'm picking a Winner on Sunday!!!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

***Blog Candy***!!!

WOW - another 10,000 hits!!!

Thank you for stopping by and for making my day by leaving a comment!!!

You all are just too *SWEET*!!!

Hope you like the Candy I have picked and this is what you gonna get:

1. Retired Level II Hostess Set "A is for Adorable".
2. A beautiful *Laura Ashley* Journal.
3. A great *Laura Ashley* List Pad.
4. 4 clear Buttons
5. 4 matching colored Buttons
6. 6 of each "Soft Sublets" Brads from SU.
7. 1 matching pink *Laura Ashley* Ribbon that I forgot to add to the picture - LOL!!!

With all these beautiful items you can personalize your own "Journal"!!!

Here is what you have to do to qualify - I want to know what is your favorite Stamp Set in this Spring/Summer Catalog 2008 or current Occasion Brochure from Stampin Up???

If I have this Set - I'll try to make a card and I will mention your name(s)!!!

That leads me to tell you that - if you play *PLEASE* leave a name or e-mail address so I can tell you that you are the WINNER or that the card I have made is dedicated to you!!!

All US and Canada plus APO addresses may play!!! I'll pick a WINNER on Sunday, April 13th, later in the afternoon about 5:00 pm!!!

Hope you'll get to play and again *Thank You* for enjoying my blog!!!

Quick Card for a Friend

Here is a quick card I have made with the leftovers from the BIC8 Inspiration.

When I emboss an image I usually do it twice...I don't know why - I just like to do that!!!
The colors are So Saffron and Basic Black.
I've trimmed the image down a little bit and layered it with a Whisper White CS and a punched out Nesti scalloped rectangle.

In the center of the flowers I have added very small and medium Halfback Pearls from Hero Arts. I hope SU will add some of those in the next catalog!!!

The little "Dragonfly" is from the new Cornish Heritage Farms Set called "Nature Silhouettes".
Check out Lori Craig's blog to see all the gorgeous cards she has made....Lori can be found under my favorites!!!

The sentiment is from the Verve Visual Set "Serenity". The Sheer Black Ribbon is from Michael's!!! ~TFL~

SC171 Spring Song

Okay - this is not the best picture I have taken...
I had to take the photo's in my closet where I have the best light at this hour....

It's late and I can't sleep again - been having problems for a month or so....

It's so quite around here that I decided to stamp a my surprise the Sketch Challenge was already posted and I've jumped right on it!!!

Wasn't sure what to do, so I grabbed my catalog for inspiration and started looking at the images I could use.....and then I've found the "Spring Song" Set on Page 103. Plus it comes with the perfect card to case....Page 102!!!

The card is 4 1/4" x 5 1/2.

I have used Kraft CS as my base and stamped it with Close to Cocoa. The BG Stamp I have used
is "Sanded". Then I have punched out my scalloped Nesti placing it towards the side to create the oval image that's required for the Challenge.

The *Bird* image is from the "Spring Song" Set. I have stamped it Chocolate Chip onto a Very Vanilla CS. Then I've colored it with Bordering Blue, Close to Cocoa, Chocolate Chip and Old Olive and placed it behind the punched out oval template. I've stamped the sentiment from this Set on the right hand corner also using Chocolate Chip Ink.

I've added some Copper Brads and a Ribbon Slider from the SU Hodgepodge Hardware Collection. The Ribbon is from Michael's. ~TFL~

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

CC # 161- Patriotic Kids

This was one of the toughest Color Combo Challenges ever!!!

For today's CC #161 we had to create something with Night of Navy, Real Red and Glorious Green.....- I'm not so sure about them....

When I took a look this morning I was oh that's not so bad and I already had this image in my head, but then when I came home and added it all did work so well!!!

After trying different versions I have settled for this one....Hope you like it???

The image is from a Set called "Patriotic Kids" made by *Silly Tiger Designs". I have bought it on e-bay last year for our 4th of July cards...but never had a chance to actually making them - LOL!!!

The rest is from Stampin Up. I also added some Dazzling Diamond Glitter on the little stars....~TFL~

Monday, April 7, 2008

BIC8 Corner Silhouette

Good Morning

You've guess it...I'm already running around!!!

Miriam has Preschool today instead of Monday....My two oldest are on *Spring Break*. They are having their friends over and we are getting ready to hit the Mall...I love a "Girl's Day" out - shopping around and trying new things on.....

Talking about fashion isn't this one *hot* dress Beate has picked for today's "Be Inspired" Challenge #8 ??? I wouldn't mind having this dress in my closet!!! It's fun and totally stylin'....

It wasn't hard to get inspired at all. I have use So Saffron, Bashful Blue and Pumpkin Pie CS for this card plus Basic Black and Whisper White.

I love the *Blocking* Challenge #29 Sharon aka "notimetostamp" has going on and that's when I decided to use this layout for today's Challenge.

Remember I was telling you about my trip to the LSS.......I've also picked up this fabulous "Corner Silhouette" Stamp from *Hero Arts* - which came in pretty handy to create this card!!! I have used Versamark on it and then embossed it with Black EP to make it stand out more.....

The little butterflies are from the "Pretty Petals" BG Stamp from SU. I stamped them with a Basic Black Stampin' Spot. Then I've cut them out and raised them with Stampin Dimensionals.
I know their are no butterflies on the dress, but the dress *screams* Spring and I just had to add them plus I think they look totally cute - LOL!!!

The sentiment is from the SU "Cherished Memories" Rub Ons. I've used the oval "Styled Silver" Label Holder and centered it on top of the sentiment. To finish the card off I have punched out three white 1/4" circles and added the black "gemstones" from *Hero Arts*!!!

Hope you like it and we have inspired you to play along.....don't forget to check everyone else out from the Inspiration can find all the talented ladies on the right hand side of my blog!!!

Have a great day!!! ~TFL~

TLC163, SFYTT - Butterfly Collage

Here is a card that I have made for a super cute lady named Kendra also known as *Apigonfire* please hop on over there and check out Kendra's fun and very talented gallery!!!

It was her birthday not too long ago and I saw it posted on SCS...of course I didn't have a card to mail, but I thought I would use her favorite colors she has picked during my BC Giveaway!!!

Her favorite colors are Rose Red, Regal Rose with Certainly Celery. I would have never thought that those colors look so awesome together!!!

Happy belated Birthday Card - Kendra!!!LOL!!!
Hope you like it ???

The Set I have used is "Garden Collage" it's a retired Hostess Set and I have recently used it with another card. This image is the larger one from this set.

The Ribbon is from Stampin Up and it's from the Ribbon Originals Fairytale Collection.

I have submitted this card for the TLC#163 and Jen del Muro SFYTT challenge.....~TFL~

TLC163 - Art of Life

This card is for all the "In Color" lovers who chose the Wild Wasabi and Purley Pomegranate colors !!!

I liked the SC170 Sketch so much I had to use it again....I know not very creative, but what can I say it's Monday morning - my girls are home for *Spring Break* plus I'm only on my 2nd cup of Cappuchino - LOL!!!

My mojo is not flowing... so I had to use something I could make a fairly pretty card with.....

This card is for today's *Try a new Technique* Challenge #163. We have to stack at least two or more Ribbons - not to hard to do and I'll get to use my Ribbon Collection....

For this card I've used the "The Art of Life" Set and I've stamped it with Wild Wasabi and Purley Pomegranate. The little Brads are from Making Memories and they match the Wild Wasabi perfectly. To finish the card off I've used the Double Stitched Wild Wasabi and Purley Pomegranate Ribbons....

Hope you like it anyway??? Maybe I feel more creative later and post something new....~TFL~!!!


Happy Thursday! The new Inspired By is up...unfortunately this was a very busy week for me and I did not get a chance to craft.  Enjoy bein...