I'm heading off to Charleston, SC for one night.... I have an *INS* appointment early tomorrow morning to have my *Green Card* extended!!!
Since I have not had time to stamp - I thought I'd show you some pictures of *Luke* again. He is 9 weeks old and he has his Vet appointment right now....That boy eats like a horse and grows like a weed - LOL!!!
Can't wait to find out how much he gained??? We are so happy to have him in our lives!!!
He even developed an attitude too - he,he,he - plus he is sassy - he fits right in with the girls - LOL!!!
See you soon!!!
I bet your family is having a great time with this new family member. I'm glad you have a new baby and that he is doing well with you all.
Such a cutie!
Luke is just adorable! My husband and I have a boxer named Gibbee whom we adore. He is 2 years old and such an amazing dog. They are fantastic family animals. All best wishes!
What a cutie!!
What a cutie pie!!!
The INS, huh? They never smile!
He is so sweet looking!!!
What a cuuuuutie-pa-toooootie!!!
Have a safe trip and we'll see you when you get back. {hugs}
Beautiful puppy!!! Totally adorable!
Hope your appointment goes well...safe trip!
So,so adorable!
My boys have started asking for another dog. They were going so far as picking out names in the car the other day! Can't let them see these pics-they'd never leave me alone! lol
Love your pup! M
He is adorable!!! BTW I have to check my green card too, LOL
God bless
What a cutie!! I love your work, and your blog rocks,(one of my faves!) so I'm passing on an award to you! Check my blog for deets:
Luke is just adorable. I can tell he is spoiled rotten, but that is the way it is supposed to be with boxers. How could anyone not spoil a sweet boxer?
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